For You That Are Crippled With Anxiety And Emotionally Overwhelmed.


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No matter what the source - I love you and everything is going to be alright. In the end, everything is going to be o.k.


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in the end we are all just rotting corpses.. slowly deteriorating flesh. Even the most beautiful people become "hideous monsters" eventual... when that day comes.. are they going to rejoice in how many women they've fucked? In how much money they made, or in how convenient their life is? No, those that have any relief upon their death bed are those that know they will die with a full heart. One filled with compassion, experience, journeys, pain and anguish.


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in the end we are all just rotting corpses.. slowly deteriorating flesh. Even the most beautiful people become "hideous monsters" eventual... when that day comes.. are they going to rejoice in how many women they've fucked? In how much money they made, or in how convenient their life is? No, those that have any relief upon their death bed are those that know they will die with a full heart. One filled with compassion, experience, journeys, pain and anguish.
An epiphany on life.

You should find a monastery and join Buddhism. Bonus: EVERYONE SHAVES.


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850 Forums never cease to bring out new sh*t.
Quit smoking so much weed buck.

Anyway.... I'm going to get drunk now and cry reading the OP for a while