Forced to skip a day of minoxidil -What to do


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Im running pretty much out of Xandrox, and the package failed to come in today.
What do you guys recommend I do...theres not enough left to last me until Monday(when hopefully the package arrives)....should I hold off on applying it twice and only apply it once the next two days??

This sucks, i knew that this was going to happen to me.


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Skipping one day, or even a couple days, shouldn't be a problem so don't sweat it. If you are really concerned then just dilute what you have to make it last longer.

If you have enough for once a day then you will be more than fine. Heck your scalp may appreciate the time to relax a little.


Established Member
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I skipped ten days when I was in LA and it had no effect whatsoever.

Not saying you SHOULD skip time periods that long, but a week or so is not long enough to halt and reverse the effects of Minoxidil.