Foreigner with severe alopecia in her thirties


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First, I want to apologize for my bad english. I am from Europe.

So, I am 31yo now, and I've bien experiencing hair loss and thinning since I had my first periods (at 13). I've suffered from psychological traumas various times, and I am very anxious and sensitive, which doesn't help. But I knew there was a deeper problem.

Finally, I think I found it. It is simple iron and vit. D deficiency. The problem is that I've suffered from anemia for so many years that I'm affraid my treatment won't work (I started yesterday).

Today, I've lost 3/4 of my "ancient" hair and my hair looks like baby hair. I suffer from social anxiety, I fear the hurtful comments because I know it is constant. And at the end, althought I am a strong person, it makes me feel like crap.

I hope my treatment will work because my mental health is sinking.

Thank u for reading this, have a nice day


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First, I want to apologize for my bad english. I am from Europe.

So, I am 31yo now, and I've bien experiencing hair loss and thinning since I had my first periods (at 13). I've suffered from psychological traumas various times, and I am very anxious and sensitive, which doesn't help. But I knew there was a deeper problem.

Finally, I think I found it. It is simple iron and vit. D deficiency. The problem is that I've suffered from anemia for so many years that I'm affraid my treatment won't work (I started yesterday).

Today, I've lost 3/4 of my "ancient" hair and my hair looks like baby hair. I suffer from social anxiety, I fear the hurtful comments because I know it is constant. And at the end, althought I am a strong person, it makes me feel like crap.

I hope my treatment will work because my mental health is sinking.

Thank u for reading this, have a nice day
It can grow back but sorry to say it can also be permanent as the folicles can die. I had this problem too and never recovered my hair but I also have male pattern baldness so its harder for me to grow it back.


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Thank for your reply. What do you mean by male pattern ?

So I understand you had the same deficiencies ? What treatment did you take ?


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Thank for your reply. What do you mean by male pattern ?

So I understand you had the same deficiencies ? What treatment did you take ?
I ate spinach with vitamin C tons of it for a few days and bam no more hairloss and scalp didnt hurt anymore or the hairs while shampooing. Its something I want to forget.


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Hi Dariam,
Here's something I'm about to try after all my researches through the scientific papers: a hormone/protein called Klotho that reverses aging in both skin and hair!
I just can't wait to get mine and see what happens!


  • Expression Pattern and Role of Klotho in Human Hair Follicles SMALLER.pdf
    1.1 MB · Views: 160