Forgot my hat and work was the longest day ever.


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For the last 3 years I have always wore a hat to work. I call it my "work toupee" and I love that I can hide my hair loss under it. I heard comments that hurt as I walked away and they saw the bald spot on the back of my head. "Oh, I see why he wears a hat." "you look 10 years older without a hat." I was embaressed. I even looked up when talking to people so they wouldn't see my balding as well from the front. Who was I kidding? I will NEVER, EVER forget that hat again. There are a couple other balding guys who wear hats all the time at work. We all fear our hats blowing off in the wind. But, we feel safe under our hats as we look more normal.

I have used finasteride. 1mg and nizoral for two years. I just started rogaine foam a week ago. My hair loss has slowed, but it seems I am shedding from the foam.


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Hi mate, I know how you feel, I quite often get the 'your losing your hair mate' or I catch them looking. I dont wear a hat mainly because I am afraid someone will snatch it off or it blowing off, where you then have hat hair where it looks SO much thinner. I wear a helmet though mostly.

How are you finding finasteride? I bought a box yesterday but havent taken any yet, did you get any side affects, make you have a big shed ect?

When someone mentions the balding just say 'thanks for pointing that out mate, is that to hide the fact your an ugly b@@@@@d' they dont normally mention it again.


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A few sexual sides, as in it takes longer to "get it up". but nothing crazy. Its a minor thing and doesn't happen often. when i lowered dose to 0.5mg i had less sides.


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Your biggest mistake was allowing yourself to become a 'hatprisoner' in the first place. Now that everyone knows the best thing you can do is ditch the hat and they'll soon get used to it. Now they've seen it you're no longer fooling anyone you might aswell get yourself a wig as to continue wearing your 'hat toupee'.

Nashville Hairline

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Do you not think hats also draw attention to yourself, particularly when worn indoors? Like "what is he hiding"? This is why I've never gone down that route.

Nashville Hairline

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What s.a.f. said, basically.


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I like the idea of a hat, but I know soon as I wear one, I will rely on it to much, and when it comes to the weekend and I am out without the hat, that’s when I would feel even more self conscious.

Could I quarter or half my 1mg tablets? Maybe 1mg is too much for a beginner? I would also love them to last longer.


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s.a.f said:
Your biggest mistake was allowing yourself to become a 'hatprisoner' in the first place. Now that everyone knows the best thing you can do is ditch the hat and they'll soon get used to it. Now they've seen it you're no longer fooling anyone you might aswell get yourself a wig as to continue wearing your 'hat toupee'.

I started wearing the hat because I was tired of hearing the bald jokes. The hat stopped those. No hat = i get put down. So, I am more comfortable and will cont wearing it.


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I dont blame you, I am thinking about doing the same soon


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Carlos.. said:
I like the idea of a hat, but I know soon as I wear one, I will rely on it to much, and when it comes to the weekend and I am out without the hat, that’s when I would feel even more self conscious.

Could I quarter or half my 1mg tablets? Maybe 1mg is too much for a beginner? I would also love them to last longer.

I would cut the 1mg in half and see how your body reacts to it.


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Have extra the your lunchbox...sewn into your pants...above the ceiling tile in the bathroom...etc


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One of the worst things is the reaction of others if so many jokes weren't made I think it would be easier to handle.

Thankfully my friends and family dont even mention it.

But someone who i used to work with would make comments all the time and what made it worse I worked with my dad so it would be really embarassing.

Odd thing is a few months later he got fired. Nothing to do with me but even though I know I shouldnt be happy someone was fired I dont think he was a very nice person and I couldnt help but wonder 'what goes around comes around'.


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^^Who cares if you're happy, the guy was an *** to you about something you couldn't really control, he deserves it.

Well at the age of 22, my friends usually know me as the guy who wears a hat :/ I kinda got addicted to it when i was 19, and just wore the same blue cap i had most times i'd go outside with friends and the likes. I remember these two guys (who hate themselves more than anything in the world) use to mock me in subtle ways "Why do you always wear that ugly cap?" and even trying to take it off...but slowly i stopped wearing it, and i'd say i haven't worn it in public (ok there was the random day where it was very sunny and i intended to be under the sun for most of the time), out and about, for several months now (so i stopped while i was 21). Some have even said "I haven't seen you wear that hat of yours.." Plus the other sucky thing is that if you find yourself indoors later on, you can't exactly 'take it off'..and if you go to the bathroom and come back without (having quickly done something to your hair), it would kinda seem obvious too.

Like many of you have said, it's not a good path to take, and it does draw a lot of attention to you in different circumstances. I remember seeing this guy in one of my classes, he'd always wear a cap and looked completely out of place, yet one day he didn't have it and i realised why (he looked like he could have been in his 30's, but a better guess would have put him in his 20's).

Mens Rea

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Personally i cant relate to the logic behind this

Im sorry but a hat just adds to your insecurity. Who cares if some people think u look 10 years older, your work is your work you arent there to look young are you?

and you're not going to pull a girl wearing a hat anyway. Your best bet is get the perfect haircut for you (obviously short), wear some toppik and just deal with it best as possible. Now im not saying it doesnt affect confidence but i do find just making the best of a bad situation and being realistic is 10x better than covering up and pretending its not there (it creates an embarrasing social dynamic and people wont respect your hat wearing efforts)

Anyway i personally dont care too much about work in terms of my male pattern baldness. Yes i do my hair as nice as possible etc but if im having an off day it wont actualyl affect my confidence because all my office treat me as me they dont care if my hair is looking thinner, why would they?

The only time i care is in clubs etc where you are socialising/flirting with the other sex. Then i always want to cover my hairloss as well as possible.


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I have noticed in clubs/pubs is the most common time for people to mention your male pattern baldness, people are just drunk and dont think to much about what they're saying, I had one the other day from a mate I havent seen in three years, it was something like 'helloo mate.. your losing your hair, been stressed?' obviously you just laugh it off but it puts a downer on your night lol I have ordered some of that toppik, quite excited about getting it :)


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I only wear hats when it's really cold because I have a short buzzcut. I've noticed that when I wear a hat more young women openly flirt with me. However, like Larry David has said, wearing a hat is just a lie and at some point the hat has to come off. It's better to just show your hair loss up front so you don't set yourself up for a fall.

uncomfortable man

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One is not so much better than the other. Either way you are eating a peanuty turd.