Fork in the road


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5 months on finasteride (brand-name propecia). Really just got on it as I had some recession and thinning. finasteride has not slowed or stopped it. I started taking it during a very stressful time - graduating from law school and taking the bar. I've heard things here and there about 6 months being a low point. Most people wouldn't say my hair is bad, but that's because I have naturally wavy hair and I will probably get good coverage all the way to Norwood 3 or 4. But it is depressing to know how quickly my hair loss has accelerated even after starting treatments.

Anyway, if anyone has any "don't worry, 6 months is the lowpoint" stuff to throw my way, I'd apprecaite it.


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stop stressing as thats the worst thing for your hair.... the best way to deal with it... is accept your eventually gonna go bald, deal with it... so every inch of progress from chemicals from here on in is just a positive :) my hairloss started with a breakup and a bitchy girlfriend so yeah, im mentally past that now and have been for around 2 months.... having taken propecia for about 3.5 months now, where ive slowly settled into 0.5mg dose. im prity sure my hair loss is slowing compared to what it was... but i partially credit success to the fact im not stressing about my ex anymore. the body takes time to adjust.


p.s. there is progress... even if it continually gets worse and u see no improvement (thats a total exageration and you will see positives im sure) atleast the comfort in knowing that without whatever ur taking itd be worse than it is now, and u tried to do something about it.