Founder, Author & Nutritionist, Jessica Sepel


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An Australian woman revealed that she regained her hair, which she lost most of after giving birth to her first child, using a food supplement whose price does not exceed $ 29.

Gina, 36, from Sydney, said that she had always had thick and shiny hair, but when she became hypervomitant, while carrying her first child, her hair began to fall out in an unprecedented way.

And Gina continued: "During pregnancy, I suffered from an uncomfortable health condition that results in the placenta secreting a large amount of the" HGG "hormone throughout pregnancy, which caused me to lose a lot of hair, and after four months of giving birth, I became almost bald.

Desperate to find a solution, the mother asserted that she resorted to all kinds of treatments, including costly shampoos for hair growth, diets and various nutritional supplements, but all of those attempts were unsuccessful.

During her continuous search on the Internet, Jenna found what she wanted in the account of Australian nutritionist Jessica Sybil, in which she recommends taking "G Health and Hair Energy" tablets to restore lost hair within several months.

The tablets contain many components to strengthen the hair, including zinc, iodine and seaweed, which all work together to restore strength and volume to hair and support natural hair growth.

After taking the tablets on a daily basis for two months, Gina was astonished by the results she obtained, as she felt the difference and her hair began to grow again, and within twelve months of taking the tablets, her hair returned to normal, according to the British newspaper Daily Mail.


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I was with a friend, on our way to the park, when an elderly lady walking her dog stopped us and started chatting, telling us about her husband who was ill, etc. This went on for about 15 minutes. Then suddenly she turned to me and said: “you have hair loss, don’t you?!! “

It was very embarrassing because I have never discussed my hair loss with this friend, and now I had to admit, right there on the street, “yes I have hair loss”.

And then she went on to tell me how she also used to have hair loss, but took a multivitamin concoction prepared by her pharmacist and completely regrew her hair. No more hair loss! She insisted that I should also take these multivitamins, because someone else she knew, with worse hair loss than mine, regrew their hair with the multivitamins.

She obviously meant well but I was so annoyed!

John Difool

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@bekeero please continue posting sttuff like this to make sure everyone is aware of these ,$27.95 multivitamin complements that completely regrow hair. Thanks!

What is Tsujisan wasting his time on when these products you write about are already available?


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I am grateful that after suffering from hair loss for so long, at last & finally, a random woman on the street had the kindness to inform me about vitamins. I never got the memo.

John Difool

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That stuff is da bomb and flying off the shelves. Order now till it's sold out or you won't know what you missed.

John Difool

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I can't believe this. I've spent thousands of dollars on meds, and stuck a needle into my scalp millions of times, when all I had to do was get a $5 bottle of multivitamins at CVS. Why did you wait so long to tell me?

Sometimes things are simpler than they look. But it's never to late to open your wallet and finally make the right choice ;-)


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I have a similar experience that I would like to share.
A couple of years ago I was struggling so bad with hair loss and after trying multiple options currently available, I decided to do something about it. I studied night and day and proceeded to try many different combinations and variations of vitamins and herbs, until I stumbled across a mix that made my hair feel great. I’ve been on my formula for the last 17.5 months and have totally grown my hair back with zero sides. I even noticed my dick bigger and less signs of aging. I have the magic cure for all and I’m happy to share this with the world. I’ll send the recipe for free to anyone, please just include a small $5 processing fee. You can pm me for PayPal details.