Freaking out about shedding - six months into finasteride


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Hey all,

I've been on finasteride for just over six months and I'm shedding a ****load of hairs in the shower. Like ten hairs fall out every time I run my hands through my wet hair. I already went through a shed immediately after I started, then I recovered. I'm sure there are lots of topics on it, but I'm looking for some personal reassurance because this is worrying me. Is a second shed common with finasteride? I hope this isn't an indication that it's stopped working already!


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If there is a loss in hair density then there is cause for concern. Shedding never quite stops wth finasteride. If you notice an improvement in hair density then finasteride is working.

Hey all,

I've been on finasteride for just over six months and I'm shedding a ****load of hairs in the shower. Like ten hairs fall out every time I run my hands through my wet hair. I already went through a shed immediately after I started, then I recovered. I'm sure there are lots of topics on it, but I'm looking for some personal reassurance because this is worrying me. Is a second shed common with finasteride? I hope this isn't an indication that it's stopped working already!


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I've been on finasteride for a month without shedding (that I've noticed anyway). I don't know if this is a good or bad thing.


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I never had a major shed on finasteride. With dutasteride things are decidedly different.

Cold Winter

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This is one of the reasons I'm doubtful to try finasteride. I've heard many say they shed so much hair only to never grow the lost hairline back.


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Hey all,

I've been on finasteride for just over six months and I'm shedding a ****load of hairs in the shower. Like ten hairs fall out every time I run my hands through my wet hair. I already went through a shed immediately after I started, then I recovered. I'm sure there are lots of topics on it, but I'm looking for some personal reassurance because this is worrying me. Is a second shed common with finasteride? I hope this isn't an indication that it's stopped working already!

Oh man, this sounds familiar... I hope it gets better for you. I don't mean to scare you, but the same thing happened to me. It just continued to go down hill.