Freaking Out

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I'm on the big 3 and I'm starting to get really, really nervous because I'm not seeing quality results with minoxidil. When I had used minoxidil in the past, I had made my crown look undectable within 4-5 months. No exxageration. Now, I've been using minoxidil for good since November and I haven't had half that much luck. I've gotten a bunch of nice little hairs along the hairline and maybe a little bit on the crown, but it just isn't the same as it was.

I'm starting to get really nervous that I've built up a tolerance to minoxidil or that my hair isn't going to respond for some reason. I've only been thinning and receding for about 2 years and I have no slick spots, so I can't understand for the life of me why minoxidil isn't working the way that it used to. It's not like my follicles are dead on my crown. They just aren't responding like they used to.

Right now, I'm torn. As I read through old posts for guidance, I come across messages from that just advise people to adhere with the regiment. At the same time, I can't help but think that I should add something to help help kickstart the process, whether it be l-lysine/msm/xandrox 15/revivogen/spironolactone or whatever else.

Am I just losing my mind here or do I have legitimate worries? While I have been on Minoxidil since November, I've been on finasteride since February. Perhaps I haven't allowed the Big 3 to go on for long enough (I've only been using them all since February), but I feel like I've been using minoxidil longer than I ever have used it before and I'm concerned. I'm only 20 years old and while I have decent coverage now, I really feel like I need to regrow hair.

Should I keep trudging on or should I start adding things?


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Don't freak out man! I swear attitude and mindset are both integral to getting the full benefit out of your treatments. That goes for any kind of treatment. Even LSD. Stress really does cause hairloss... happens all the time. More noticible to those of us who scrutinize our already thinning scalps. Can't discount the placebo effect.

Are you becoming immune to minoxidil? I'm talking out my *** but I'm going to venture to say no. Perhaps it may take longer to work this time. Why did you drop it before if it helped you?

I think MSM would be a good bet for you and anyone on here really except the head shavers. I read one poster's theory on the synergistic benefit to combining msm with minoxidil: because msm speeds up hair growth, the unpigmented hair that minoxidil creates first will become terminal faster because of increased rate of growth. The faster hair grows the faster this process. Makes sense to me. Also if you get a bad or revealing haircut the stuff helps the hair grow our quicker so you have more options.

Good luck friend.


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djApolloCreed said:
I think MSM would be a good bet for you and anyone on here really except the head shavers. I read one poster's theory on the synergistic benefit to combining msm with minoxidil: because msm speeds up hair growth, the unpigmented hair that minoxidil creates first will become terminal faster because of increased rate of growth. The faster hair grows the faster this process. Makes sense to me. Also if you get a bad or revealing haircut the stuff helps the hair grow our quicker so you have more options.

I don't agree with that argumentation. If it is right MSM would speed up the balding process.


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Stress really does cause hairloss... happens all the time.

Nonsense. None of us is undergoing the type of stress that causes hairloss.

The Gardener

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Marty, consider bumping up to Xandrox 15%. It's a bit pricier, but the more potent minoxidil formulation plus the Azelaic Acid might just kick those fuckers back into growth. If you really want a shot at it, this is your next step.


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[quote="helpmefindmyhair" Nonsense. None of us is undergoing the type of stress that causes hairloss.[/quote]

It's possible to have more than one type of hair loss at a time. Just because you have male pattern baldness doesn't mean you're immune from telogen effluvium caused by stress. Based on the insane ocd and attitudes of a lot of posters on here who are obviously stressed out constantly because of their hair loss I'd say many of us are having our male pattern baldness situation hurt by wigging out about it. Sure this type of loss is technically not permanent but I'm sure it's being experienced by a lot of people in the short term which a lot of times is what we here about on here. Some posters on here have regular freakouts everytime their scalp hits the bring sun or decent lighting in the company of a female.