Friends , Look At my 16 year old photo on 1997


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(Pls Look at this photo at maximum Brightness and contrast)

I found this when i was looking my photos , it maybe funyy but i cried seriously. The color is Black, now i have light brown thin hair and the hair on the front has gone away.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :''''''''''' ( ... gahan1.jpg

You can post your young photos if you want.

Im waiting for a miracle to have my 16 year old hair back. pff.


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for fucks sake you are good looking so hair loss though it is traumatizing shouldnt have to make you feel too bad.
u should post a 'now' pic aswell so we can see if you have mutated into that creature in your avatar, then maybe i'll feel sorry for you.


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zurealguy said:
for fucks sake you are good looking so hair loss though it is traumatizing shouldnt have to make you feel too bad.
u should post a 'now' pic aswell so we can see if you have mutated into that creature in your avatar, then maybe i'll feel sorry for you.

I've lost my hair in the picture dude.The Black colour has turned into unhealthy brown , Front has gone away , thinned alot , i have an open forehead now , i feel like all of us are cursed. I use Propecia sometimes , im thinking of using rogaine and propecia togerher but! : is it true that minoxidil harms the healthy hair?

What do u do guys ? Don't u ever feel sad? Look at your young photos if you can tolerate it , you'll understand my feelings.


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feel sad?
ofcourse we do. Hair loss is evil.

Just do the propecia or proscar thing. It helps ease the state of mind aswell, knowing that you are doing something about it. I wouldnt use minoxidil unless you want to regrow some hair, and then have to maintain this regrowth by using minoxidil every, single day for the rest of your life.

Just pop the pill, so much easier. Just make sure once you start you don't stop, big decision but, what would you prefer? To take a pill for the rest of your life or loose hair for the rest of your life?


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zurealguy said:
I wouldnt use minoxidil unless you want to regrow some hair, and then have to maintain this regrowth by using minoxidil every, single day for the rest of your life.

Just make sure once you start you don't stop, big decision

Dude can u explain what these things mean ? i really dont have any information about it , do u mean that if u use minoxidil once , you should stick to it for the rest of your life because when its used once it will kill the healthy hair when you stop using it.

im thinking of using minoxidil on my healthy hair to thicken and change their colour to black....but is it right?


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That sucks man. That was one nice head of hair to lose. If I were you I would shave it, you have that mediterranian complexion that looks good shaved.


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All I can say is wow! I would have died to have hair like that. How old are you now? I can't believe someone with hair so thick began to go bald. I have a few friends with hair that's thick like yours who I always just assumed would never go bald. I guess it can happen to anybody.
Post some recent pictures of yourself. I'm guessing that your hair isn't that bad off right now although you may think it is. You can't expect that your hair is going to be that thick the rest of your life. Almost everyone loses a little.


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Kramer3 said:
All I can say is wow! I would have died to have hair like that. How old are you now? I can't believe someone with hair so thick began to go bald. I have a few friends with hair that's thick like yours who I always just assumed would never go bald. I guess it can happen to anybody.
Post some recent pictures of yourself. I'm guessing that your hair isn't that bad off right now although you may think it is. You can't expect that your hair is going to be that thick the rest of your life. Almost everyone loses a little.

im 23 years old now, i have a photo from right side this year. In this photo you cannot understand the hairloss and also the hair looks black but its not!. its because of the scanner , it scans very dark. And the hairstyle covers , hides the receded , lost areas.

Ill take very close photos if i have a digital photo camera, and post here.

My hair is now like Bird Feather.Very Thin. And it hurts while calming. ... ct0004.jpg


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You can't really decipher anything from that photo. It's too far away and your hair fades into the background.


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there are more experienced people on here than me..but seeing you asked me a question....

If i were you i'd just do some research. Yes minoxidil you have to apply for ever, as you do with proscar (pop the pill forever).

If you want your hair to be darker just dye it, ( hair dye does not encourage hair loss), i have to dye mine cuz i got premature grey hair..

Use Nizoral and T-gel for scalp irritation.

and buy proscar online and cut it into 5 pieces with a very sharp scalpel.

Thats what i do, and it's the best thing i can do for my hair and my sanity.

and yes you can't really tell much from that photo, other than (again) you're a lucky bastard to have such good looks. :evil:


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zurealguy said:
there are more experienced people on here than me..but seeing you asked me a question....

If i were you i'd just do some research. Yes minoxidil you have to apply for ever, as you do with proscar (pop the pill forever).

If you want your hair to be darker just dye it, ( hair dye does not encourage hair loss), i have to dye mine cuz i got premature grey hair..

Use Nizoral and T-gel for scalp irritation.

and buy proscar online and cut it into 5 pieces with a very sharp scalpel.

Thats what i do, and it's the best thing i can do for my hair and my sanity.

and yes you can't really tell much from that photo, other than (again) you're a lucky bastard to have such good looks. :evil:

Dude , with hairloss and lack of hair on some parts , and thin hair you dont look good . Anyway thank you but this does not stop my pain

I saw some interesting situation , i have premature hair on my arms ( if u look at my arms you see there is no hair) but when i look closer there are premature colorless hairs. Anyway why im talking about is because i saw a very dark and strong 1 hair on my arm ! There must be a reason for that 1 hair to grow dark and very strong out of those prematures.

If doctors manage to have the info all of bald people may have full hair.