Friends talking about hairloss.


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I am in my early 20's and have had hair loss for the past three years, although slow, my friends don't really give me a hard time about it because i hide it well.

But there are 2 or 3 blokes in my circle of friends who have obvious hairloss. Then there are the others who have perfect NW1. In recent times its become more apparant that they like to take the mick out of the very obvious balding guys, behind there back and just make it known to everyone. This kinda annoys on a personal level, i never took the piss(or will, because i know how it is) But its weird because the NW1 seem so smug about it.

Im gona go out on a limb and just guess, this will never change?


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thenational said:
I am in my early 20's and have had hair loss for the past three years, although slow, my friends don't really give me a hard time about it because i hide it well.

But there are 2 or 3 blokes in my circle of friends who have obvious hairloss. Then there are the others who have perfect NW1. In recent times its become more apparant that they like to take the mick out of the very obvious balding guys, behind there back and just make it known to everyone. This kinda annoys on a personal level, i never took the piss(or will, because i know how it is) But its weird because the NW1 seem so smug about it.

Im gona go out on a limb and just guess, this will never change?

First, only about 4% of white guys (assuming your friends are white, for some reason) in their 20's still have a true NW1, i.e. a 5th grade hairline.
I remember seeing your pictures, and even balding guys probably wouldn't recognize you as balding, so you're ok for a while.
If they're making fun of their friends for something that they can't help, and probably bothers them, a good smack upside the head might help.


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What exactly is there to hide?


Your hair is pushed back and you have no recession dude.

Is it your crown?


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barcafan said:
What exactly is there to hide?


Your hair is pushed back and you have no recession dude.

Is it your crown?

Holy sh*t, I didn't realize it was that good.
If its not your crown, its not balding, unless you're getting an inverse NW3, in which the middle recedes and the sides hang tight. That would be pretty fucked up.


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Aw man, when did this place become a pissing contest about who has most hairloss. That photo is more than a year old (also my oldest) im not here to prove just how bad my hairloss is (you can look at more recently updated pictures in that very story if your bothered)


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When?? have you read any of UncomfortableMan or Hatprisoner's posts?
Are you saying you have no crown balding?
Do you have premature hairloss in your family??


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Look i dont mean any disrespect to you (clayshaw) or anybody else on this forum, but im not getting drawn into proving i belong here. My hairloss is obvious to me and others who know me well. As i already stated, if you're bothered to see my story just read it, its on this forum and decide yourself.


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another whinny baby


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thenational said:
Look i dont mean any disrespect to you (clayshaw) or anybody else on this forum, but im not getting drawn into proving i belong here. My hairloss is obvious to me and others who know me well. As i already stated, if you're bothered to see my story just read it, its on this forum and decide yourself.

None taken... Considering some of the sh*t that gets thrown around these boards, your post was not the least bit disrespectful.
Obviously, you know your hair better than anyone else, I'm not going to argue with that. My only point was that you don't need to worry about people making fun of you for balding.
I might be wrong, but you look like one of those guys that will thin out gradually but not be bald. But if you're following a family pattern thats worse than that, you know better than I do.


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I think some times it is the fear of being bald when you first notice hairloss that makes it so bad for people with a bit of mild hairloss especially when young. I remember a friend of mine was thinning at 16 and he got the mick taken out of him by a good few people behind his back. However at 24 he doesnt get too much grief anymore as a lot of people his age have lost at least some hair at that point, even if it is only a mature hairline.


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For Christ's sake, who gives a flying f***? The guy came on here and said his loss wasn't really noticeable. He's here to ask about people talking about hairloss regarding his more noticeably balding friends, not to whine about his own problems.

My take on the topic is: it's going to happen, you can't avoid it and you probably never will. In my experience, most people are negative about hairloss only in a joky way. They'll tease people about it, but very rarely will they talk about a person negatively because of it. It's because it's not something under your control; it's just something that happens. If people are openly hostile to balding chums, I wouldn't be friends with them.


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Boondock said:

My take on the topic is: it's going to happen, you can't avoid it and you probably never will. In my experience, most people are negative about hairloss only in a joky way. They'll tease people about it, but very rarely will they talk about a person negatively because of it. It's because it's not something under your control; it's just something that happens. If people are openly hostile to balding chums, I wouldn't be friends with them.

My experience is that people dont seem to take this fact on board. And what is a jokey way to some can feel much worse if you're on the recieving end of it.


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Yeah, I have a friend who likes to point out some of his friend's gaps in their hairline to girls and other people, when talking about hair. And when I've gone through a shed and there's a greater change in my hair, he goes like "Wtf, is this?!" in public. He has only started doing it, because I talk about hairloss often with personally. Other people have nothing to say about that topic, so it gets dropped easily, because hairloss isn't yet a noticeable problem in our age and even I can still hide it, but it still hurts a lot knowing that it's a potential subject.

uncomfortable man

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Anyone who makes fun of someone because of hairloss needs to be held down and scalped with a dull rusty blade and then get tied up on a post in the town square for three days.


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But since that does'nt happen non sufferers will continue to bask in the superior glory. Thats life!


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Unfortunatelly we live in a media driven culture that influences the way people think and the media generally percieves hairloss as not a good thing. Maybe if there were more idols like bruce willis, jason strathom, vin deasil etc there wouldnt be so much negativity drawn to hairloss.

uncomfortable man

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follicle84 said:
Unfortunatelly we live in a media driven culture that influences the way people think and the media generally percieves hairloss as not a good thing. Maybe if there were more idols like bruce willis, jason strathom, vin deasil etc there wouldnt be so much negativity drawn to hairloss.
Thank you. I've been saying that for a while now.


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I've often wondered just what a person could do to lessen the ridicule we shedders often get from others who are fortunate enough to still have a full head of hair. Just cut it short and act like we aren't bothered? Make fun of them right back? That's my favorite strategy. Like I've said before, if someone makes fun of my hair problem, they better hope they're flawless or I'm going to point out and even exaggerate their own shortcomings. If you've got a big nose, double chin, extra poundage, bad breath, whiny voice, etc., you might want to think hard before saying anything about me losing my hair. I'm not a dick, but I believe in treating people with the same respect, or lack thereof, that they do me. If people know you're going to return fire, they usually don't shoot at you in the first place.