from perfect thick norwood 1 to diffuse thinning norwood2.5


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I am 27 years old and the past year and half has been hell,before my hairloss started everybody used to comment on how thick my hair was.
Anyway in the summer of 2005 my barber asked if i had cut into my hair in between haircuts i just shrugged this of thinking the bastard was losing his mind it never occurred to me that i could be going bald.Then about 3 months later my brother took a photo of me on holiday and i was shocked to discover i was receding after going mental i then reasured myself that this was just a mature hairline,then in the summer of 2006 i discovered i was going thin on top.When i ask people if i am going bald they say no defintly not but to me it is very obvious and has affected my confidence a lot.not being big headed but i consider myself to be good looking or i did.since feb 2007 have been on 0.5 avodart,i will keep updating my progress with pitcures in the next few weeks


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Hey Antonio, welcome to the board, I look forward to seeing your pictures.


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Uh, why did you start on avodart? Seems like Propecia has more studies and understanding of efficacy...


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If ppl are telling you that you're definitely not balding, then it's probably all in your head. And I wouldn't jump on avodart unless you know for sure that it's male pattern baldness.

Post some pics here, you'll probably get a better read on your situation considering everyone here has become experts at spotting the baldies.


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You are a real man's man a Jayman would put it. Way to step up to the plate with no hesitation.


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This balding of mine is really getting me down I have gone from being a confident guy to a mental wreck.Its not so much the receding but the thickness,it looks like sh*t,this is the worst thing that as ever happenend to me and a lot of my close family have died.This even worse than that ,you eventually recover from death but living with this sh*t is much harder because basically there is no hope,even though i am on 0.5 avodart a day i still don't think it will improve the situation and the avodart costs me 100 pounds for 30 capsuals,thats 200 dollars for my american freinds.I,m considering adding the minoxidil foam but am broke at the moment .The problem is that maintaining is not good enough for me i have to see significent improvment ,i really don,t want to go down the transplant road as most of them look bad.And as a diffuse thinner wouldn't be a candiate.


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antonio666 said:
This even worse than that ,you eventually recover from death but living with this $#iT is much harder because basically there is no hope
:freaked: :freaked: :freaked:

sorry, didn't mean to make light of the situation, I know what you meant. And I still believe you're stressing out a little too much. Almost everyone has lost someone very close to them and most ppl here have started balding before the age of 25, so consider yourself relatively lucky in that regard. I'm one of the fortunate ones to have not lost anyone close to me yet but in regard to hair loss, I had two ppl tell me I was balding when I was only 16 years old!! My life would've been sooo much better if I found out I was balding at 25, much like yourself.


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hey kalbo,thanks for your kind words.your right beginning the male pattern baldness process at 16 is really bad luck and the 9 years extra i have had probably
somthing you would like to have but it sucks whenever this disease strikes.what norwood are you now and how is the thickness.
p.s good luck in your fight against male pattern baldness


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Antonio you will have the same head of hair you used to. Keep taking dutas and use tons of Nizoral. You will regrow a ton.

P.S. Find cheaper dutasteride. That price sounds outrageous.


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My experience with hair loss is pretty unique. Hairline started to recede and I was shedding like crazy at 16. When I buzzed my head, the miniaturization was pretty noticeable (as I mentioned, a few ppl pointed it out). At that point I figured I'd be bald by the time I was 20. But here I am 10 years later and I'm probably b/w a nw1.5-2 with some frontal thinning and slight thinning elsewhere, but this is with the treatments. When I started last year I was a nw2 but the frontal thinning was really getting out of hand. I'm pretty sure I'd be close to a nw3 right now had it not been for minoxidil/finasteride.

You should feel very fortunate that you didn't notice till you were 25. I wasted most of my youth stressing out about this sh*t.

Good luck with your fight too. You can consider yourself lucky once again for jumping on the meds in the early stages and for being able to use something as powerful as avodart. OOooh, how I wished I started 8 years ago...


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well nearly 9 months ago i posted on this forum for the first time,i had just started avodart and thought to myself this is the worse your hair will be ,avodart will atr the very least stop the rot,well i for 1 am now at the stage were i am close to giving up ,not just the hair loss buisness,but life in general.
i am on oral spironolactone as well ,have been foe 1 month but i know that it won't work ,just usding it in case it works if you see what i mean not expecting anything,now last night i punched myself in the mouth ,and my tooth is now loose,do i care no ,in fact have not shaved for 3 days or cleaned my teeth and called sick at work,this is not like me because i am a clean freak and usually shower twice a day and never miss cleaning my teeth but now there is no point i am being destroyed by a rotting scalp of dying hair,for every hair that dies so do i,eveytime i go into the kitchen i am tempted to pick up the knife and bury iy deep into my throat,call me a nutter,i don't give a sh*t just wanted to express my thoughts


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Hey, I'm not sure how serious you are, but there is more to life than just our hair. BTW, I know exactly how you feel. I discovered I was thinning at age 21. At first, I lived in denial - thinking it was all in my head (so to speak). Back then, not even minoxidil was available, so treatments were limited to the standard snake oil, concealers, and surgery. I did none of them, thinking that if I ignored it, it would just go away. I was wrong, of course. Anyway, I went through all the same emotions you have described. I had an amazingly thick, full head of hair - it was what I was known for. I couldn't imagine life with everyone knowing and seeing my hair evaporate. It sucks when someone you haven't seen for a while suddenly notices and comments on it. There were times when I was so embarrassed by it, I would find any way to change the subject.

One thing I know for sure is you can get over it. I am now 36. I have been using the conventional treatments (minoxidil, finasteride, etc.) off and on for the past several years. Anyone that looks at me knows right away that I am thinning. The treatments, I believe, have at least slowed down the process. But, surprisingly even to myself, I've pretty much gotten over it. Even the jokes don't bother me any more. Heck, I've had everyone in the room roaring with laughter from my own bald jokes. Do I wish I had all my hair back? Definately. If a treatment comes along that would restore my hair - even at a significant cost - I would do it in a heartbeat. In the mean time, life goes on. Life. I'm not going to give you the "it's not worth it" line and fill you with a bunch of optimistic platitudes, but you need to seriously chill out and learn to live with what you have been given. A lot of people on this site have turned their misfortune into an opportunity to help others - either being a guinea pig for treatments (or combinations thereof) or offering words of advice and comfort. So stop sulking, ice your tooth, shave, and get back to work!


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Thanks for a great answer thinisin ..more people should think like you, even if its quite hard when your young


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Antonio, I feel your pain man. I know you're serious about this. I've been suicidal myself(not because of my hair). What I strongly suggest is to go to your doctor, tell him all about how you feel and ask him to direct you to a mental hospital. Seriously, the last thing on your mind now is going back to work. You need to take that pressure off now.

Just lay low for as long as you need. Keep the faith in the possibilities of regrowth. Vellus hairs on our chin can turn terminal during puberty, so the vellus hair on our head is able to do that as well. I believe we're not far from knowing how.
We're all fighting this fight together man, don't give up. :dunno:


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Antonio, Please don't make yourself feel worse, I know how you feel, and I know how depressing hairloss is, I can't offer any advice on how to make you feel better, when I have been at my lowest point no advice from anyone did any good, it's a case of learning how to cope with your unhappiness, like you, I feel the world is caving in for me, no hair transplant or drug will make me feel better right now, but you need to try to take your mind off things and maybe get professional help, I had to, and thats why I am still here.

I hope you get better mate!



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antonio666 said:
I am 27 years old and the past year and half has been hell,before my hairloss started everybody used to comment on how thick my hair was.
Anyway in the summer of 2005 my barber asked if i had cut into my hair in between haircuts i just shrugged this of thinking the bastard was losing his mind it never occurred to me that i could be going bald.Then about 3 months later my brother took a photo of me on holiday and i was shocked to discover i was receding after going mental i then reasured myself that this was just a mature hairline,then in the summer of 2006 i discovered i was going thin on top.When i ask people if i am going bald they say no defintly not but to me it is very obvious and has affected my confidence a lot.not being big headed but i consider myself to be good looking or i did.since feb 2007 have been on 0.5 avodart,i will keep updating my progress with pitcures in the next few weeks

Dude I can 100% relate and sympathsize. Iam also from a family with ultra thick hair and abnormal good looks. Its a real bitter pill to swallow when u finally have to come to the realization that ur balding. Its difficult to face others.


Well, thank god I have always been ugly even before hair loss...... :roll:


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Taugenichts said:
Well, thank god I have always been ugly even before hair loss...... :roll:

Nice to see you back again Taug, I see nothing much has changed. :roll:


s.a.f said:
Taugenichts said:
Well, thank god I have always been ugly even before hair loss...... :roll:

Nice to see you back again Taug, I see nothing much has changed. :roll:

Yeah, forgive my irony, but these guys seem to think that hairloss is worse for good looking people. Pisses me off a bit. Ugly people love their hair as well.


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As do ok looking people with BDD who think that they're ugly it seems. :smack: