front and hairline worse after 4.5 months on finasteride and nizoral

Master Chief

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is it normal when you rapidly lose hair on a specific area, like he front and hairline, the density has changed very much under 3 months, and so has the corners of my hairline, is this just a shed? can you tell if you have a hyperandrogenetic reaction?


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I got blasted on month 4 with a big, I mean Hugggggggggge shed on the front hairline Temple region. But guess what? Im coming up on month 8 and it has filled in " thicker and new growth" :) :) :) Patience. You need to give a regime 4 to 6 months. Hell.. maybe even 12 months would be advisable. Im on the same regime you are except Im on minoxidil as well. Im also 36 yrs old and in realtively good shape.


Master Chief

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extremekicks said:
I got blasted on month 4 with a big, I mean Hugggggggggge shed on the front hairline Temple region. But guess what? Im coming up on month 8 and it has filled in " thicker and new growth" :) :) :) Patience. You need to give a regime 4 to 6 months. Hell.. maybe even 12 months would be advisable. Im on the same regime you are except Im on minoxidil as well. Im also 36 yrs old and in realtively good shape.


I recently added minoxidil too, I apply it 2x day but only on the crown, I really hope it is a shed and that at least get the hair I had 3 months ago, now this "shed" force me to wear baseball cap :cry:


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This is the thing I really f*****g HATE about finasteride. For some, it causes them have a huge shed and then they grow back thicker hair. But for others(and judging by this forum, MANY others) seem to have a huge shed and then.......that's it. You're hair is then royally fucked for life.

This is the only thing that is holding me back from taking finasteride.


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all i know is that the front of my hair is at it's worst and i'm worried. it's never been this bad. propecia works for every other part but it's made the front bad. i don't get it. how come it filled in the back of my head and my front is still thin from the shed? shouldn't the back have shed too and look bad? i don't get it. i don't know. i broke up with my g\f a few weeks ago. don't know what i was thinking but i didn't feel like she was the one for me even though she was hot, she just wasn't for me personality wise. i broke up with her thinking my hair was good and i'll find someone else because my hair was good.. but then, my hair gets this huge shed..and now i'm fucked. it just got me down. i would kill to have hair like i did when i was younger. i can't even remember how good that must have felt to just wake up , wash my hair, comb it and go. in a year i think there will be no hiding it and i'll have to shave it. that'll be the day girls that know me will stop complementing me on how good looking i am and say what the f*** i was thinking when i shaved it. it's sad


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My part at the hairline was horrible between months 6-9, and then it got better, even better than before. I only used nizoral and finasteride.

The shedder

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Yea I went through a shed at month 5 and now its over at month 6. I added minoxidil to the temples for about two months and theres alot of little hairs at the temples and next to no fallout. It may be the finasteride kicking in finally or the minoxidil is doing a hell of a job with no fallout

The shedder

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Yea I went through a shed at month 5 and now its over at month 6. I added minoxidil to the temples for about two months and theres alot of little hairs at the temples and next to no fallout. It may be the finasteride kicking in finally or the minoxidil is doing a hell of a job with no fallout