Front Partial systems


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Hey guys,

Sorry if this has been asked a million times before, but I'm 24 and am thinking about getting a system. I'm about a NW2.5-NW3. My temple recession goes back a good inch and a half or so, but my hairline at the center of my forehead is probably less than 1/2" receded.

My question is, would these companies be able to make a piece that fits my situation, and if so would the system be less secure up front since there is only a narrow strip of the system going across the center hairline? Or would it be easier to tear?

Also, one more question, can a partial system still look just as realistic as the fuller systems?

Thanks in advance


Partials make some of the most realistic looking pieces out there.

I can't say whether or not it's going to be more difficult, less ecure, easier to tear, etc., as I have always had toppers or full caps, but I know they can look awesome. It will likely look MORE realistic than a full system.


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They sell them. They sell them for half the price of a regular piece. But if you have a forwards hair still like me, good luck getting the hair directions to match. It is possible, especially with gel, but you might have to order another one with modified directions before they get it right without gel.

I see no reason why it would be weaker. Every bit of it would be glued down, unlike a full piece. So it should be secure.

And don't feel bad if you have to order another piece to get the direction right. You will probably have guessed the wrong density or color too, so you can fix them all at once in the second order.


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paco said:
Hey guys,

Sorry if this has been asked a million times before, but I'm 24 and am thinking about getting a system. I'm about a NW2.5-NW3. My temple recession goes back a good inch and a half or so, but my hairline at the center of my forehead is probably less than 1/2" receded.

My question is, would these companies be able to make a piece that fits my situation, and if so would the system be less secure up front since there is only a narrow strip of the system going across the center hairline? Or would it be easier to tear?

Also, one more question, can a partial system still look just as realistic as the fuller systems?

Thanks in advance

We have the same hairline and I wore one for about a year. It was really easy to maintain and clean. BUT I thought it was too thick for me. So I had my stylist cut it for me along with my real hair. FYI She could NOT recognize which hair was real and which hair was fake. That's how good it was. I am doing treatments now but I may return to the land of partials. I looked good and I miss it sometimes.


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tsunami808 said:
We have the same hairline and I wore one for about a year. It was really easy to maintain and clean. BUT I thought it was too thick for me. So I had my stylist cut it for me along with my real hair. FYI She could NOT recognize which hair was real and which hair was fake. That's how good it was. I am doing treatments now but I may return to the land of partials. I looked good and I miss it sometimes.

Did you shave the hair under the partial? How course was the hair? Did it affect the base much?

I think if you have not had hair transplant, course hair means thick hair. So I'm guessing you had really thin hairs there which are no problem. I have really course hairs, spaced out out, for thin density. I want to cover them with a piece, but think I have to shave daily. I could do a partial to lower my hairline, but I'd have to go very thin to match the grafts behind. But I don't to spend $1000 on laser hair removal, and then not have the option of going back. You guys without hair transplant have such an easy decision to make. My thin NW2 is not horrible, but it is like a tiny life boat I'm tempted to stay in instead of swim for the bigger boat that might have a leak in it.


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Did you shave the hair under the partial? How course was the hair? Did it affect the base much

yes I had to shave the hair because the system was IMO too big. I didnt like doing that because when the hair grew out the system would lift. IMO the hair was too thick . My systems lasted for a long time (ie almost a year)


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Would two days of stubble lift the edges a milimeter? Or do you mean when it grow 1/2 inch that would push the middle up? My grafts are almost like beard hair. Imagine that under the back edge of your of your base, and tell me if you think that would left the base in a day or two or sooner. I have very course beard hair though, which clogs up and dulls razors fast, so I prefer to shave my beard every other day or less if I can. Not like I get any women when it is shaved anyway. I'm lasering my beard, but it is not shedding yet.


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CCS said:
Not like I get any women when it is shaved anyway. I'm lasering my beard, but it is not shedding yet.

what do you mean here? you do not get women when u shave but u do when you dont?


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Anthony83 said:
CCS said:
Not like I get any women when it is shaved anyway. I'm lasering my beard, but it is not shedding yet.

what do you mean here? you do not get women when u shave but u do when you dont?

I don't get them either way, but women flirt with me a lot mor when I have 2 days of stubble on my face. I have no idea why. Maybe it is because they know I can't kiss them when I have stubble, so they are less afraid to get agressive and try to use me right then. The one or two times I've had any action with a woman, said it was good I had shaved then. Many women say stubble hurts.

When I shave, I blend in and don't get flirting. When I don't shave, I feel some people don't care, some think I'm a bum, and some flirt a lot more. But I don't think they flirt because they like me. I think they do because they know I'm less confident when I look my worse, and they think they can get more out of me and have a good excuse not to kiss me.


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or, maybe you do look better with some facial hair. i know lots of girls who prefer guys with the 5 oclock shadow. why do you think some celebrities always rock the scruffy look. girls are very attracted to it. my gf hates when i shave with a razor. she prefers when i grow it out a little bit. just an idea.


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As long as she lets you kiss her everywhere with that 5 o'clock shaddow you are fine. Mine is very course and cactus like, so I don't know.