Front vs. back


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I have a question in regards to shedding and the use of propecia and rogaine. I have been on propecia for just under 6 months now and rogaine foam for 2 months. Although I had some brutal months with shedding, I think I have finally thickened up a bit and stopped shedding and haulted further hair loss. Question I have is that most of my thinning in the beginning of the treatment occured up front and the vertex. That is were I have seen improvement though since starting propecia and rogaine 2 months ago(which I have used rather evenually over my whole head) But I have noticed my crown has thinned. Prior to treatment and rogaine use, I didnt have much of problem with the crown thinning at all. I know rogaine/propecia is most effective with the im kinda hopeful that the thinning in the back after two months of rogaine in the back will grow back. Any thoughts? Similar experiences...Thanks


Senior Member
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Why did you apply Rogaine to the crown when that hasnt been a problem for you? It really is very early days for you right now, once you go on Rogaine and Propecia, its like getting on a roller coaster. You will have periods of outstanding awesome thick hair and periods of thin almost soul crushing hair. And its not something that goes away. You just gotta take the good with the bad. We have all been through what ur going through now. Just hang in there man and never miss an application especially when ur in "the bad" periods.


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I guess I just assumed that the crown was susceptable to hairloss too? As I mentioned I am just on 2 months with rogaine foam and coming on 6 months with propecia. Overall, I am satisfied with the results to this point. Months three and four were really tough with shedding and thinning, it was my summer spend in my room. But in the past couple weeks my hair has seemed to have thickened up quite nicely(especially in the front where I was having the problem) and the hairloss and shedding have seemed to subside. I just noticed slight thinning in the back that wasn't there before.

I know they say that rogaine foam causes a massive shed, which it did and it states it can take 4 months to have results, so im keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for a little bit more density increase and maybe even a little slight growth and things will look pretty good. Again overall coming up on 6 months of propecia and 2 months of rogaine foam i cant complain. I guess when you first start to see results after all this time you just get really excited and then really impatient.....cause I feel like im that close to success.

Also metalhead thanks for responding, I have heard about the dreadful 6 months shed....obviously not looking forward to that if it occurs. Months three and four were dreadful. If it had not been for this forum I would have flushed propecia down the toilet. But as much as I have heard about the possible 6 months shed, I have also heard around 8 months after the shed period your hair looks even better...if thats the case i would be delighted. Alright, take it easy guys.


Established Member
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So are you above baseline in the front, or below baseline in the front since starting Foam?