Frontal "strays"--input 'preciated.


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Someone said a while back that a sure sign of a receding hairline is having a lot of short, wispy hairs at the front that don't "cooperate" with the others. For example, if you pull your hair back, the little wisps stubbornly stay forward, no matter what.

Someone else responded to him that some people have that normally, whether it is male pattern baldness or not. Looking around, however, I see not another soul with that feature. Anybody aware of this? All you receders---do you have those little wisps?

not me!

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Dr. Norwood himself took notice of the tendancy of male pattern baldness sufferers to have these wispy hairs on the sides of the head above the ears.

I know, I know...sounds crazy, but I read the research data myself. If I can find it again, I will post it.


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Same thing...

I have noticed over the last few months that the hairs right along my hairline are the way described in this post. They don't seem to grow very long and go straight forward. It's like they have a mind of their own.

I've been on the Big 3 for 6 months, but I'm not sure what this means... Good or Bad? Hard to tell. My hairline has taken a pretty good hit of late. :cry:


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For me it's a good sign, it means things are regrowing, my hairline looks better than ever before, and these hairs are regrowth in my case. Never had them pre-finasteride, thats a for SURE.


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Yep, I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. The only reason I "like" them is that they are my marker for just how far my hairline is receding with time. It's just that, I have a few on my left side, that are short, but damn thick!!! Doesn't make sense. They don't grow any longer, but they don't wither in diameter and eventually die, either. I hope they figure out the whole growth cycle sh*t soon. It's really a mystery.

So actually, since these hairs have stayed just a tad lower than my hairline in the first place, then perhaps they are normal. I don't know. I think they come in so strongly from my using minoxidil. Do you use minoxidil?


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See, for me, they keep getting further and further out. I have recently, within the last week or so, seen small patches of tiny black hairs sprouting 1-2cm from where my temples currently sit. This is amazing, I must say :) If this is where my hairline is eventually gonna end up, I'm in love with Merck-Frosst.


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Unfortunately, those hairs were there before I started using finasteride. I only just now started putting minoxidil on one temple as an experiment.

It's driving me me mad trying to figure my hairline out. From straight-on and from profile, it looks okay, just a mature Norwood 2. When I lower my head and look up at the mirror, it looks horrible to me. I know there are issues of perspective involving foreshortening and curved surfaces at work here, but I still can't figure out which view to take seriously. I look at all the Norwood 2's around me, and they look just like me from the front and side. It's hard to get a good look at them from above.


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yeah i got them now, i can remember a few years back when i was 19 and i had whispy hairs and the front...i had no idea at the time it was male pattern baldness, and i thought it was normal.


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im glad i caught it sorta 21 and i look kinda like norwood 2-3 althought ive always had a high hairline. When i was 5 i looked like a norwood 1.5-2 ....