Frusterated Propecia user


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Am I overreacting here? Anyone else have a similar situation. I am a 19 year old who noticed some temple recession. It hit rather suddenly and I was losing about 100 hairs a day. I would be a NW2. After three months on propecia my hair has never been worse. On top of increased temple recession, I now have a 3 inch diameter thin spot on my scalp that is quickly turning into a bald spot. When I started propecia my hair was thick in this region, and I never imagined it would get worse from using propecia. Any feedback??? I feel like propecia has done more damage than good.


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Your hair will thin while youre on Propecia because you will go through a shedding period. -----> that's what most users will tell you anyway.

I'm 18 and had hair thinning in the front only and went on Propecia on my 18th birthday. It's been 8 months since I started, and since then, my hair has also become thin all over my head. I have had absolutely no regrowth.

You should stay on it though. You are probably just going through a shed. I've always been very unlucky so its probably just my shitty luck and Propecia isn't working for me.