Frustrated from the shedding :( (PICS)


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Some days i'll shed more and some days less. Its just frustrating!!
I doubt that it goes more than 100 hairs a day, but I seriously think my hair is thinning(hairline not receeding though). About 10 hairs sometimes more in the shower, and about 10 hairs on my pillow when I wake up. Also i can shed a few hairs when i run my hand through my hair. How bad does it look?
Im afraid it gets alot worse as I can only see the derm after another 25 days
Cut my hair really short, and you can see my scalp. Not sure if that's normal honestly, but yeah
Feedback please


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have no fear

hair looks good and relatively thick

loosing 10 hairs here and then is nothing

and seeing your "side scalp" is normal with your short hair
it's just the way your hair grows and the length of your hair

if you have male pattern baldness in your immediate family
I.E. father, bros, uncles, grandparents etc

then i would consider using treatments
if not then your probably fine bro

chillax bro


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deff does make me feel alot better. Thanks man
Do you change your mind after seeing this picture though??
Maybe its not shedding wayy too much. Its still shedding WAY more than it used to. Not sure if its me that hadent been treating my hair right, or what it was.

BodyDysmorphic said:
have no fear

hair looks good and relatively thick

loosing 10 hairs here and then is nothing

and seeing your "side scalp" is normal with your short hair
it's just the way your hair grows and the length of your hair

if you have male pattern baldness in your immediate family
I.E. father, bros, uncles, grandparents etc

then i would consider using treatments
if not then your probably fine bro

chillax bro


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well in that picture

it does indeed look diffusing
it may be the flash

who is to say

well you currently not using any treatments

use them if you feel you need to
if not then don't

hair loss is genetic
if anyone in your family is NW3+

then their is a possibility for you to experience male pattern baldness


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Alrite so for the past few days, the shedding has stopped almost completely.
I started using the shampoo clear, and my scalp itches ALOT less. I apply coconut oil every few days aswell, and I take multivitmains. Not sure if this is me recovering from whatever caused my shedding, but now is gone down ALOT. Is this a sign of recovery?

BodyDysmorphic said:
well in that picture

it does indeed look diffusing
it may be the flash

who is to say

well you currently not using any treatments

use them if you feel you need to
if not then don't

hair loss is genetic
if anyone in your family is NW3+

then their is a possibility for you to experience male pattern baldness


Senior Member
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it is possible you experienced Telogen Effluvium
"tellegen effuium" (not spelled correctly)

which occurs after some trauma/extreme diet/stress

if your "shedding" has decreased ......great

that could be a sign of "recovery"

but you need to understand

hair follicles and hair shafts don't just fall out and never return
when the individual hair follicle sheds the hair

it is replaced by a new one
this new hair could be a miniaturized one
I.E. not as strong and healthy as the previous one

this continues and Leads to baldness

people don't go bald in a day


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so what are you saying? that an attack of Telogen Effluvium accelerates baldness? the hair won't grow back as thick as it was before? :(