Fue Advice For Best Results For Crown Thinning


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Hey everyone,

Just a bit of background - 25 y/o male, noticed some hair loss/thinning at the crown at around 19/20, especially after going to basic training for the army. Since then there has been very little progression, if any, on finasteride/rogaine. The thinning isn't bad, but there is a noticeable spot on my crown thats thinned out (sides/front are fine), I had an FUE done by Bosley (Boston) last year (890 grafts) along with PRP, and now 14 months later, I've noticed no results (and even a little loss, if anything). I'm very healthy, non-smoker, and hadn't noticed any progression in the previous few years, leading me to believe the procedure just want done well. I was seen this week and they offered a free 500 grafts for another procedure where he recommended 1000-1600 to make sure there a results and a more diffuse covered area of grafting.

What brings me here though is i'm hesitant to use Bosley again due to the complete lack of results, and so was looking for advice/recommendations for results. Price isn't as much of an issue, and I'd much rather spend a little bit more for the best results.

I live in Miami currently, but family is in Boston (so I'm back and forth frequently), and traveling for the procedure shouldn't be a problem.

Is ARGUS more reliable than neograft/manual? Commercial transplant centers or academic/larger hospital systems (Mass General has hair transplant)? I'm really just lost in all this and want to do it right this time.
