Fue Hair Transplant In Australia - Dr Woods, Dr Alam


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Hi Guys,

Just wondering if anyone has any feedback for Australian FUE surgeons. I am located in Melbourne

I'm possibly interested in Dr Woods in Sydney and Dr Alam in Melbourne

Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!


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Hi jaa1,
I live in Melbourne and about ten years ago I went to see Dr Woods in Sydney. To be honest I wasn't that impressed (especially considering the amount he charges) and left somewhat bewildered?
I arrived at the scheduled time and I had to wait about 20 minutes for him. He appeared very rushed and not what I would call relaxed. He examined my previous punch graft scars at the back donor region and the frontal hairline scar I have that resulted from several surgeries to remove the punch graft plugs. He basically just rubbished the doctors who I told him who performed the transplants and who helped remove the plugs (one of them was the now retired Australian hair transplant pioneer).
I asked him questions about would I be a candidate for hair transplants and could he do something about the frontal scar but he just seemed very vague? At the end of the consultation (in which he was rushing through) I really had no idea what he wanted to do? He didn't mention anything about costs, etc! I had the feeling that he had a patient from overseas he was working on at the time. I don't know his prices but they are a lot more than your everyday transplant costs. I have been told this by other surgeons. Don't let my post put you off contacting him for a consultation though. He may have been having a bad day. Dr Knudsen who was trained by Dr Richard Shiells is 'supposed' to be good but I saw on his website that he promotes the 'Laser Cap' which is just a gimmick which put me off him. If I were to have a procedure I would be looking overseas. When you add up the total costs involved, a plane ticket is nothing. I wish you well.


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Hi jaa1,
I live in Melbourne and about ten years ago I went to see Dr Woods in Sydney. To be honest I wasn't that impressed (especially considering the amount he charges) and left somewhat bewildered?
I arrived at the scheduled time and I had to wait about 20 minutes for him. He appeared very rushed and not what I would call relaxed. He examined my previous punch graft scars at the back donor region and the frontal hairline scar I have that resulted from several surgeries to remove the punch graft plugs. He basically just rubbished the doctors who I told him who performed the transplants and who helped remove the plugs (one of them was the now retired Australian hair transplant pioneer).
I asked him questions about would I be a candidate for hair transplants and could he do something about the frontal scar but he just seemed very vague? At the end of the consultation (in which he was rushing through) I really had no idea what he wanted to do? He didn't mention anything about costs, etc! I had the feeling that he had a patient from overseas he was working on at the time. I don't know his prices but they are a lot more than your everyday transplant costs. I have been told this by other surgeons. Don't let my post put you off contacting him for a consultation though. He may have been having a bad day. Dr Knudsen who was trained by Dr Richard Shiells is 'supposed' to be good but I saw on his website that he promotes the 'Laser Cap' which is just a gimmick which put me off him. If I were to have a procedure I would be looking overseas. When you add up the total costs involved, a plane ticket is nothing. I wish you well.

Laser Cap isn't a gimmick, it just isn't a standalone hair loss fix or 5% minoxidil finasteride equivalent. Australian doctors are just pathetic. Bad results, most expensive prices IN THE WORLD. Half of them are generic cosmetic surgeons, not even real transplant doctors. Get it done overseas and end of discussion. Aussie doctors don't deserve a single cent until they bring prices down to fit the quality of their results (in other words taking a 75% pay cut).


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Thanks for the heads up JeanLucBB,
Funny you mentioned this as I just saw Dr Vikram this afternoon for a consultation (he trained under Dr Knudsen who trained under Dr Richard Shiells). I posted my response on my thread 50 and Still Dealing with This (or words to that affect).
As for Dr Woods I have since read so many other posts in plenty of forums on him and apparently I must have got him on a good day! Lol.
Yes I would only have a repair job/surgery overseas.
Kind regards,


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My Regimen
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Thanks for the heads up JeanLucBB,
Funny you mentioned this as I just saw Dr Vikram this afternoon for a consultation (he trained under Dr Knudsen who trained under Dr Richard Shiells). I posted my response on my thread 50 and Still Dealing with This (or words to that affect).
As for Dr Woods I have since read so many other posts in plenty of forums on him and apparently I must have got him on a good day! Lol.
Yes I would only have a repair job/surgery overseas.
Kind regards,

All I read was "Australia" and I missed who the doctor was. I can confidently say that Woods (can't even call him a doctor) is THE most overpriced in the world, and getting worse results than back alley Thai and Turkish clinics. Our cosmetic surgery situation in Aus makes me sick. He rests on the fact that he invented FUE, unfortunately his transplant quality is still back in that very day in 1995. AWFUL.


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All I read was "Australia" and I missed who the doctor was. I can confidently say that Woods (can't even call him a doctor) is THE most overpriced in the world, and getting worse results than back alley Thai and Turkish clinics. Our cosmetic surgery situation in Aus makes me sick. He rests on the fact that he invented FUE, unfortunately his transplant quality is still back in that very day in 1995. AWFUL.


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Hi jeanLucBB. Thanks for your input here on surgeons. I'm really out of touch with surgeons nowadays but before getting my first fue went to Woods for a consultation and left sure that I would not let him touch my scalp if he paid me.
Anyway about 10 years ago no hope of finding a decent fue surgeon in Australia went overseas twice and had fue 1800 and 1500 in Pakistan by a surgeon trained and tooled up by Cole.
I had fairly diffuse severe frontal and mid thinning and was happy with the result but not entirely happy as still needs more density and whilst I directed the surgeon as where to make the hairline. The hairline was too regular or linear to look natural imo.
So ten years on am considering a third transplant to address the density and hairline. I read your post on top surgeons and looks like Keser could be my man.
Just wondered if you know of any fue surgeons that have recently come into Australia who might be worth considering such as Dr Alum or any other? Otherwise I'll just fly to Turkey. Thanks if you can enlighten me.