Fue hair transplant results


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Does everyone get great results like these after a FUE transplant? (Link below) http://youtu.be/brsY7DoPuWg

If you look at this guys hair before the transplant (you can find a before video of his hair on the description of that video) you can see that he was near enough bald. I was wondering if getting a FUE transplant, approximately 3000 grafts like he had, would all results be capable of looking like as good as his? If not, why? Thanks for any answers in advance!


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Hair transplant results that look like this are almost entirely related to having good donor hair characteristics.

A lot of guys with low donor density like myself get to many 1s, and 2s type grafts put little 3s, and 4s. Guys like this have the opposite problem


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Hair transplant results that look like this are almost entirely related to having good donor hair characteristics.

A lot of guys with low donor density like myself get to many 1s, and 2s type grafts put little 3s, and 4s. Guys like this have the opposite problem

How are good donor hair meant to be like and look?


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this patient would be considered to have good donor density characteristics



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Nope, not everyone. Having good hair charasteristics is important (diameter (very important), multiple hair grafts, difference of color between your hair and your scalp, curly or straight hair etc)

Also off course important is the artistry of the surgeon and most importantly the yield of the grafts (how many actual hair follicles will survive).

Then again the chance of having a bad outcome is always there, no matter how good your surgeon is. That's a cruel fact.

But yeah depending on your unique situation and by going with a good surgeon, often much can be achieved.

- - - Updated - - -

Have a look at Dr. Lorenzo his youtube channel. Regarded as one of the best surgeons worldwide for FUE;


The videos are in high quality.


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this patient would be considered to have good donor density characteristics


oh right, regarding the fue transplant, i heard optimum growth is reached after 2 years, does this mean that the hair will stop growing after 2 years?