Fue Hand Punch And Why So Few Yield It.


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If you are wondering why so few wield the hand punch the answer is very simple. It is extremely hard work to be doing something all day long that takes hours and hours of hand/arm strength and stamina using perfect form. If you look at the history of FUE most simply made excuses for years and years as it not being an effective technique. The history of those few who actually did the work over those same years would debunk that argument. Of course today we have something different as many are simply using a drill or other device and of course the forum marketers that are here day in and day out will tell you it’s not the tool but the doctor. That's the thing about marketing the spiel changes on a as need basis.

If you were to look closely at the doctors that simply make excuses for why fue was not a viable procedure or that the hand punch doesn’t matter all one needs to do as look at their physical condition. Now ask yourself does this person have the capacity for physical work? Do they resemble anything close to someone that has strength and stamina? The answer would be no and this is why it’s always easier to make excuses and take the easy route. We have all had the experience of the person that makes an excuse when any type of physical activity comes up that requires real work like maybe moving a couch or something. All of a sudden they have some excuse which gives them an out all you need to do is listen to the logical explanation they have put together.

It’s not much different when you go to the gym and you hear those that make excuses of why they can’t do a squat for example. Yeah, yeah, yeah we know bad back, bad knees sure we get it. It's probably not good for you either like when you reach you 50's you won't be able to get out a chair from all that lifting.

From my observations in life those that can’t perform physical work move toward jobs that give them a chance to take it easy and sit around as much as possible and it easily shows by just looking at them. Very often these are the same people that think nothing of deceiving others in order to make a buck. So yes the marketers will try to draw in young boys for an ill advised hair transplant and not explain the limitations because in the back of their mind they know if I don’t make a buck doing this I certainly can’t count on having to do some type of real work. So it's either me or this young man is the self talk in their head. What do you suppose the answer is most of the time?

I posted some videos in the health and fitness section of some of my training. It certainly is not for everyone and most when they see it would say it is too extreme which of course makes sense for those that do not push their bodies beyond limits. It's the same thing most of the doctors said years ago. They maybe tried FUE then said to themselves I'm not doing this sh*t. I didn't become a doctor to do real work.

What I can tell you from my own experience is the body adapts and the speed and power on the first rep is the same as it is on the last rep with the technique being perfect. It all depends on your dedication and perseverance. Same applies to the FUE hand punch. Doctors with skill do not get sloppy because they have put in the time and their body has adapted. They don’t need to make excuses and regardless of what many in the industry say about technique becoming sloppy over time with the hand punch they are only speaking from what they know about themselves. That the body can't develop strength and stamina which can be executed for long periods of time because if they were to admit that then their excuse is not longer valid.

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So when you add up the limited numbers of skilled surgeons along with the very, very limited amount of hair that can actually be transplanted for most long term which amounts to about a 4”square at 50% density maybe a 5” square if everything goes well one should think long and hard.

Would it make sense to wait with all the developments coming? In fact it’s all coming faster then we can even keep up with and that is why some doctors seem to be desperate. Maybe they are having a hard time meeting the monthly nut. They seem to be striking up the band hoping to get some people on the dance floor.

Human blood from stem cells, growing organs, etc too much too fast to be making hasty decisions. Or does it make sense to listen to the marketers that go from post to post, thread to thread, forum to forum and encourage they young boys that yes go for it get the 3500 grafts for the hairline maybe add 1000 for temple points too………….lol………………I hear the circus is going out of business. Maybe this is all getting old and having access to more information has created a consumer who is wise to the marketing fraud that is going on. As far as the victims go many of you have cases................figure it out.

If you are on the fence just stay there and watch these guys. I mean really it’s laughable. If you are still wondering about FUE then buy a watermelon they are now coming in season. Drill out about 100 holes with a 1/8” drill bit if you can even do that many then you will understand why the little boy has a zipper on the back of his head.

Hair transplantation has a place and it's very limited. Understand the math and you will understand those limitations. But you are infinitely better off waiting.