Fue & Linear advice needed


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Hi..I'm considering doing an FUE transplant becasue I heard it was better along the hairline...but the dr told me that i'd get more for my money with the linear method and i'd have stitches for about 10 days with that..
I've done a ton of research, but I still can't find a straight answer as to which method is better....they said i'd need about 1000 grafts to get a great result on my hairline and 800-1000 in the crown...can someone PLEASE point me in the right direction..thanks so much!


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Fue is generally better for small procedures simply because its less intrusive making it less painfull and leaving no scarring. But it is more time consuming and therefore costs more. Imo for cases less than 3000+ grafts its definatly better to opt for Fue even though it means you'll need more than one session.
BTW who is your surgeon?