Fue Treatment - Questions And What Are My Chances?


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I'm at a very early stage of considering whether to undergo a hair transplant.

A friend of mine had it done and it really seems to have made a difference. I'm 35 and my hair has been like this for quite a while.

While the front is not ideal it's something I can typically cover up. However, the top of hair is full on friar tuck. I would probably be looking at going to Turkey to have it done.

1) I know i'm being lazy but could someone give me a ballpark figure for how much this would cost?
2) Would it be successful from what you can see from the pictures below?
3) Would I need two surgeries or could I have done front and crown done at the same time.


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Yes, you can do a hair transplant. Be careful in Turkey, because there is a lot of shady places lol. I did mine with Doctor. Gulten Unveren. Btw here are pictures from my operation. It depends on how much grafts you need. I had 3000 grafts.


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Since writing the initial post I've been taking finasteride for 10 months and minoxidl as well. I'm making some progress but it's not spectacular by any means. I'm certainly not a super responder and it's probably down to how long I left my hair loss. I buzzed my hair just to get a real stark picture of what my situation is before deciding whether or not to get a hair transplant if it makes sense.

I'm definitely seeing new hairs coming through. The front part is widening slightly with new hairs and I'm seeing more new hairs on my crown as well - particularly after I started micro needling around 4 weeks a go (why I didn't start earlier, god knows).

I was wondering what the forums thoughts are based on the below pictures since February of 2020.

I was thinking that I could get a hair transplant to sort out the front and then keep assessing the crown as time goes by. I'm seeing new hairs but the density isn't great either so could end up with patchy coverage. There's also a lot of miniaturised hairs on my head that are either blonde or white that i'm wondering if they'll eventually grow back into proper hairs.



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Definitely keep microneedling. Do a very consistent regimen and you should see much better results. finasteride handles the dht, minoxidil induces growth, and microneedling will help minoxidil and also induce growth factors


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I think a hair transplant at your age and progression is appropriate. I think you’ll see some great results, probably need upwards of 3000 graphs. If you go to turkey they might even try to perform 4500+ graphs on you. Id research clinics prior to going anywhere.

As per your medication results they look pretty good, keep it up.


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If you stay on finasteride in order to keep your donor strong, I think you can do it.

If you get off of finasteride it is risky. You may, as many high Norwoods are prone to do, start getting diffuse unpatterned alopecia in the donor, or higher retrograde alopecia. Then your viable grafts decrease significantly. Fortunately finasteride protects against this fairly well.


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Since writing the initial post I've been taking finasteride for 10 months and minoxidl as well. I'm making some progress but it's not spectacular by any means. I'm certainly not a super responder and it's probably down to how long I left my hair loss. I buzzed my hair just to get a real stark picture of what my situation is before deciding whether or not to get a hair transplant if it makes sense.

I'm definitely seeing new hairs coming through. The front part is widening slightly with new hairs and I'm seeing more new hairs on my crown as well - particularly after I started micro needling around 4 weeks a go (why I didn't start earlier, god knows).

I was wondering what the forums thoughts are based on the below pictures since February of 2020.

I was thinking that I could get a hair transplant to sort out the front and then keep assessing the crown as time goes by. I'm seeing new hairs but the density isn't great either so could end up with patchy coverage. There's also a lot of miniaturised hairs on my head that are either blonde or white that i'm wondering if they'll eventually grow back into proper hairs.

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This is actually solid improvement, you are good responder considering where you started. Have you considered microneedling too?


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Yeah. I've been doing it for the past 4 weeks or so (a bit late in the game), and I've definitely seen new hairs coming through as a result. So I'm pleased I started doing it. After buzzing my hair my crown does now look a lot more promising than when my hair is long. I microneedle every 7 days now with a 1mm roller.

I'm just reaching out to a few hair transplant places to get their thoughts on a transplant and what is needed. Then hopefully use the next two months to do research before plumping for a place and booking it in - whether abroad (Turkey etc) or in the UK.


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Well it's just my opinion but I would never go to Turkey. I would only let the best do a surgery on my head, so I heavily favor quality over low cost.

The problem with a bad transplant is that it can f*** your life for good. And since donor hair is very limited, if they are wasted it's not something that can be fixable with money. If they are gone they are gone.


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Basically I've got to do my research on surgeons and clinics before making a choice. But your point is obviously very true. There's no point screwing around with your health for a moderate cash saving.

At this point I think I'm just curious as to how people think I've responded to the finasteride and min treatment. I was initially told that I wouldn't be a good hairtransplant candidate back in March of 2020.

Here is the back of my head. I'm wondering if my donor area is going to be good enough for a hair transplant as well.

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Basically I've got to do my research on surgeons and clinics before making a choice. But your point is obviously very true. There's no point screwing around with your health for a moderate cash saving.

At this point I think I'm just curious as to how people think I've responded to the finasteride and min treatment. I was initially told that I wouldn't be a good hairtransplant candidate back in March of 2020.
By who and why?


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Pekiner and Ferreira. Basically they said I needed to stabilise the situation and would reassess after 6 months.