Fue Without Taking Finasteride (five Six Seven)


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I know this has been discussed before, but I want to re-investigate. I was an awful responder to finasteride (and even nizoral), sexual problems that have resolved themselves since i've been off. Attempted twice to see if it was a psychological issue but it was not.

Anyway, i'm really sick of waiting for new treatments, and i'm sure that Tsuji or Replicel or HSC or Follica or someone will have something out by 2020, thing is, i'm 26 and i'm in my prime. I have diffuse thinning and receding hair, but it has not changed for the past few years minus my temples may have receded a bit more. I know this because I used to have a super itchy scalp when I was losing all of my hair and have not had that for years. I shave my head today anyways, not a fan of the balding look.

I'm thinking of doing an FUE and hoping I maintain enough w/ dermarolling and minoxidil (which by the way, minoxidil did not do sh*t for me. Followed treatment to the tee, 2x a day. I'm going to re-start it but also dermaroll too, hopefully that works. Maybe my issue is an absorbtion thing). If I can hold off for a few years till new treatments come out, i'm game.

I know most aggressive hair loss is in the early 20s, has anyone had really sudden aggressive hair loss in their late 20s? I'm thinking of doing FUE + SMP (including on the FUE scars) with like 2500 grafts. Will post some pics tomorrow.
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My Regimen
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You can do it but be prepared for following hair transplant

By the way there is no certain age where you have the most hairloss

I know people who had full hair until 40 and then got fully norwood 6 until 50

The best you can is look at the mbp pattern in your family


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My Regimen
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I'm sure more applicable members will add their opinions but I can't help but feel that male pattern baldness gets less aggressive the older you are. I know people say different but it seems to progress much slower than someone in their late teens/early 20's. Just one person's observation though.