Full blown gynecomastia?


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i think u will

because you have had problems in the past, get a blood test to check key hormones before going back on a hair loss drugs.

also, what makes you think the fincar will start working now?
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Now that I look at it, it seemed it may have maintained back then, because since dropping, I have seem to have been losing hair at a faster rate over the past year :sobbing: which makes me thinks it probably was working, like I said i'm not sure...


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What were your symptoms when getting the gyno? Did they go away when you stopped using finasteride? I am at a bit of a cross roads myself in that I am pretty sure I am starting to develop symptoms of gyno. Unfortunately I would have to agree that starting finasteride again will only bring back your gyno.


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i think the fact that you're skinny would make it look worse!

no one can tell you for sure whether you will get full blown gyno.
of course it's possible.

nut ache, low sperm count, gyno.
you're body isn't happy with this pill and it has told you that.

try something else. who knows what other longer term sides you might get.