full head of hair....shedding


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im 6 months into all treatments pretty much and my crown and midscalp area are really taking a battering at the minute. i dont notice shedding, its more that the density is getting worse. is it possible that its takes longer for visible improvement to be observed with people who already have full heads of hair which is thinning?

id love to hear from people who are in the same boat perhaps


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I am going through the same. Most of my hairline and midscalp density has been destroyed since I started finasteride. I have been having severe dandruff the last 4 weeks or so (never had dandruff in my life) and wondering if it has something to do with the finasteride, although I doubt it. Sooner or later we must all accept that all these POS treatments suck big time and work only for some. FU** the trials that claimed 80% maintained or improved. IMHO total BS! Remember these are the same trials that said less than 2% people had side effects. Yet again BS. There are way too many people I know whose hair loss accelerated with finasteride. Hell at least we tried. These forums are a great way to get false hope. But we all suffer from male pattern baldness and the truth is we will go totally bald sooner or later until a CURE comes along. As they say you can run but you can't hide. Almost 6 months of Propecia and I shed about 200-300 hair in the shower and applying minoxidil this morning. Prior to porp it was only about 20-30. F' it I am so frustrated and at the verge of throwing in the towel.

Sorry bro that I am not giving you hope and asking you to "ride it out" or telling you that you are one of the unlucky non-responders. Honestly how do you see yourself at 30? Do you think Propecia will maintain your hair?


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to vipergts,you hve only been on treatments 4 months ,i know it is hard but you were probably thinning in the mid scalp region and front before you started propecia and starting treatment has caused a shed,i beleive this to be a positive sign and your hair will come bacl a lot thicker.
I am in the same boat as you


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DJ, I'm in almost the exact same boat as you. I'm a 24 year old graduate student and tried propecia for about a month before the sexual side effects made it unbearable for me to continue (I'm 24... can't be dealing with that ****!) Anyways, I'm about 6 months into my treatment as well and I have yet to really notice any effects besides an increase in shedding. I use Dr. Lee's 5% minoxidil and 15% xandrox (in place of propecia) and also have a full head of hair, but have some thinning at the top and temples.
I think you may be right when you're saying that it could be harder for those of us with full heads of hair to notice any positive effects of treatment. My advice to you would be the same I'm trying to tell myself: stick it out and continue doing what you are doing and positive things will happen.


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Same here treatments still not working but mine is receding still and losing density on front vertex. Crown & midscalp is o.k. but then it always was.

Seen a lot of 8 month turnaround stories on the board lately so as we are getting near that, lets hope that turnaround happens to all of us!...would be fab to just see a slowdown of loss and hair think about the long journey back to baseline.


sh*t, it must be hard for you who don't really know where you'd be without treatments. I feel you. Luckily, like I have mentioned earlier, I have a twin brother thinning in the same pattern (not using meds) and I can tell that he's at least as bald as I, so the meds haven't sped up the loss at least for me. Although it feels like it. It might be the same for you, the nature's just taking its toll and the meds haven't kicked in yet.


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I really don't think it's the finasteride. It's minoxidil, or at least it was for me. I think finasteride is a wonder drug. It's all the other topical crap that destroys your hair IMO.


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I question whether some of you have got 'real' drugs or fake crap, especially if you've bought from one of the less well known NROPs. They tend to sell stuff which is old, counterfeit or just mishandled - the WTO says that at least 50% of drugs bought from NROPs are fake.

Propecia saved my hair. Thank God (and Merck) for that. It doesn't work for everyone but remember you need (a) a reliable supplier and (b) patience. You'll only see a response by month 3 at the earliest. And it takes about a year to really evaluate its success.


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Pondle said:
I question whether some of you have got 'real' drugs or fake crap, especially if you've bought from one of the less well known NROPs. They tend to sell stuff which is old, counterfeit or just mishandled - the WTO says that at least 50% of drugs bought from NROPs are fake.

Propecia saved my hair. Thank God (and Merck) for that. It doesn't work for everyone but remember you need (a) a reliable supplier and (b) patience. You'll only see a response by month 3 at the earliest. And it takes about a year to really evaluate its success.

good advice indeed


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I wonder, when people talk about "shedding", what exactly do they mean? Shedding to the point where you look considerably balder and people notice? Or shedding to the point where you can definitely notice it yourself, but others cannot?

I see all these horror stories about shedding and I'm thinking, really, why are "these people" willing to be considerably balder today in the slight hope that they might have some more hair down the road... but temporarily, before the shedding restores its cycle again?

I must have misunderstood somewhere along the line. The shedding can't be as bad as advertised- can it?