Full Summary of Hair Congress 2015


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So i've been plugging away hard the last few days, creating the remainder of the youtube clips and other stuff. So, my final thoughts?

I think Histogen's results make it seem like it's the most promising treatment that we can put our faith in with certainty. The photo which I posted with the before/after pictures showed incredible results one none of us has ever seen with any other treatments. With the interview I had with Dr. Naughton, a potential 2017 release in Mexico makes it all the more exciting. Fingers crossed that things go WELL.

Next, in regards to Replicel, it's still a ways away from making it for commercial use. However, after speaking with Dr. Higgins it's interesting to note that the DSC cells convert back and forth between DP cells. So, injecting DSC cells should theoretically work REALLY WELL. I spoke with Lee Buckler at the JETRO seminar in Toronto a week ago and he too was disappointed we couldn't get 12 month results from the Phase I clinical trial. Why? Because it wouldn't be surprising if there was greater improvement past the 6 month mark. We know most treatment, especially Hair Transplants, take much longer than 6 months to see full results.
As for SAMUMED... well, we know it's one of three formulas. And their product is a WNT agonist. But until more results are made public, we can't know for sure. There was another video from last year's hair congress which had Dr. Cotsarelis touching on wounding and WNT interaction. Maybe there's a link? We'll see.

In regards to everyone else like Dr. Lauster's team (Dr. Beren Atac, Dr. Gerd Lindner), Dr. Christiano, Follica, Tsuji Labs, etc. the news hasn't changed much from last year. But there's a plethora of videos I've posted for you guys as well as the posters with more info and data, so perhaps someone will be able to pick out something from there that I haven't.
So, the following below are links to all the presentations:

Day 2 - Immunobiology and Alopecia Areata
Amos Gilhar NK and NK-Like Cells in Alopecia Areata
Angela Christiano Targeting Immune Cells in Alopecia Areata
Gina Delcanto - Simvastatin Decreases pStat1 Levels
Gwang Seong Choi - Mesenchymal Stem Cells In Mouse Model
Ralf Paus - Putting Things Into Perspective
Taisuke Ito - Chemokine Receptor CCR5

Day 2 - Morphogenesis, Neogenesis, and Tissue Engineering

Cheng-Ming Chuong - Regeneration of skin appendages - Physiological and wound induced responses
Sarah Millar - WNT Signaling in Hair Follicle Development and Cycling
Sung-Jan Lin - Inducing Hair Follicle Organogenesis with Defined Protein Factors

Day 3 - Emerging Technologies and Therapies

Andy Goren - Minoxidil Response Testing in Females with Androgenetic Alopecia
Annika Vogt - Differences between affected and clinically non-affected scalp
Hong Jin Joo - Various wavelengths of light-emitting diode light regulate the proliferation of human dermal papilla cells
Takashi Tsuji - Hair Regeneration as a Future Organ Replacement Regenerative Therapy
Beren Atac - In Vitro Modelling the Hair Follicle for High-throughput Screening

Day 3 - Hormones, Hair Growth and Pattern Hair Loss

Hugh Rushton - Significant Growth following Effective Treatments
Neil Sadick - The Role of Inflammation and Immunity in the Pathogenesisof Female-Pattern Hair Loss
Valerie A Randall - Regulation of human hair growth- androgens and prostanoids
Ying Zheng - CRTH2/ PTGDR2 Antagonists Reverse the Hair Growth Inhibition Caused by Elevated PGD2 Level

Day 3 - Stem Cells and Stem Cell Niches

Michael Rendl - An Integrated Transcriptome Atlas of Embryonic Hair Follicle Progenitors, their Niche and the Developing Skin
Pantelis Rompolas - Mechanisms of hair follicle stem cell fate by live imaging
Tudorita Tumbar - Molecular Control of Hair Follicle Stem and Progenitor Cells
Sung-Jan Lin - Two Distinct Spontaneous Regenerative Activities to Repair Ionizing Radiation- induced Dystrophy in Anagen Follicles

Day 4 - Clinical Trials

Won-Soo Lee - Alopecia Areata- Clinicotherapeutic Trials and Updates
Rodney D. Sinclair - Female Pattern Hair Loss- Combination Therapy With Low Dose Oral Minoxidil and Spironolactone
Yusuf Yazici - Safety and Efficacy of a Topical Treatment (SM04554) for Androgenetic Alopecia (Androgenetic Alopecia)- Results from a Phase 1 Trial

Day 4 - New Topics Selected from Abstracts Part II
Yuval Ramot - A Stable Polyamine Analogue, N1-methylspermidine, Prolongs Anagen and Regulates Human Hair Follicle Stem Cells
Carlos Clavel - BMP Signalling and Sox2 in the Dermal Papilla Regulates the Hair Follicle Stem Cell Niche
Eddy Hsi Chun Wang - DNA Methylation Profile of Monozygotic and Dizygotic Twins Discordant for Alopecia Areata
Desmond J Tobin - Evidence for Alopecia Areata and Celiac Disease Cross-reactive Epitopes
Kevin McElwee - Hair Follicle Mesenchyme Cells Exhibit Immune Privilege and Can Improve Islet Allograft Survival:
Paul L Bigliardi - Variations and Similarities of Hair Follicles and Papillae from Vertex and Occipital Regions in Subjects with Androgenetic Alopecia
Evgeniya Schastnaya - Using Signaling Pathway Activation Analysis to Identify Prospective Drugs that May Be Used for Treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia
Iain Haslam - Shh Signaling Regulates the Damage Response of Murine and Human Hair Follicles in Chemotherapy-induced Alopecia
Substitute Speaker - Inaudible Name

Replicel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnrb3LBMV64
Histogen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZvCsanjllA
Kerastem: http://www.hairlosstalk.com/interact/showthread.php/96832-Kerastem-Interview-w-Dr-Ken-Washenik
Samumed: http://www.hairlosstalk.com/interact/showthread.php/95424-Samumed-Interview-w-Dr-Yusuf-Yazici
Dr. George Cotsarelis: http://www.hairlosstalk.com/interact/showthread.php/95386-Interview-with-Dr-Cotsarelis
Dr. Claire Higgins: http://www.hairlosstalk.com/interact/showthread.php/95429-Interview-w-Dr-Claire-Higgins
Dr. Beren Atac: http://www.hairlosstalk.com/interac...Interview-w-Dr-Beren-Atac-amp-Dr-Gerd-Lindner


Armando Jose

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Thank you very much for your impressive work. You are our man.



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Thanks man. Great work.

Not sure if you'd want to answer this, but what is your personal opinion on Replicel. Cure? Maintenance? Bust? Too hard to tell without any photographs. You mentioned Histogen as the most promising treatments, so does that mean you don't think Replicel will succeed?

Thanks again.

S Foote.

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Thanks again to Hellhouser for all his hard work here.

I have to say i don't see any real difference in the current research, to the research of twenty years ago in terms of the targets. This can be basically summed up as trying to modify the follicle/ cells directly to resist miniaturisation, or to replace the original follicles with others that are claimed able to resist the miniaturisation process.

People quite rightly ask why is this problem so hard to figure out? Hair loss scientists will say that it is a complex multi-factorial issue, and so difficult to work out. But you could say that about a good magic trick, and you can be amazed by how complex and hard to understand these seem. But once you know how its done, all the apparent complexity disappears.

The real problem with hair research is that for whatever reason, it has failed to keep up with the progress made in general physiology.

The basic problem in male pattern baldness is clear, there is a restricted growth of the enlarging anagen hair follicle. Current knowledge in general physiology can easily explain this through recognised spatial growth controls that "ALL" normal tissue growth is subject to. The factors involved in this control can clearly be seen in male baldness. This control also gives a logical order to all the other recognised factors in male pattern baldness, and makes sense of the apparent complication.

The important thing to realise about this external tissue growth control, is that this cannot be got around by any kind of cell manipulation. Apart from the function of this control as a guide to tissue growth in-vivo, this acts as an important safety mechanism. Hair follicle cells are reacting to this control as all normal cells are supposed to do. Any modification of these cells to avoid this normal control risks cancer. The WNT's pathway is implicated here, and restricts cell multiplication for good reasons. Mess with this at your peril.

The variations in the results of various transplantation procedures, can again be easily explained by current knowledge in tissue engineering, and the research done into the effects of tissue scaffolds.

These are accepted basic principles in general physiology, that hair follicle research continues to ignore. There is more about this in my article here: https://www.academia.edu/17570665/A...nt_Hair_Research_and_an_Overlooked_Connection

There are some factors that may temporarily reduce the effects of this spatial control, like wounding. but any significant follicle enlargement long term in male pattern baldness, is going to have to target this basic physical limitation. I don't see anything that can achieve this in these latest research reports.


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If you could only take one treatment out of these next week, which one would it be?


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I would take any one of them right now as long as it met expectations. :)

If I were a professional gambling man my bet would be on Histogen.