full wig cutted with clippers...


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lol...you can call it whatever you want...this guy is calling it furry tarrachulla


anyway for some of you guys the idea of getting a hairpiece is still a weird thing even it can can bring a full head of hair and can get you out from depression and life misery! i will rather have a nice head of hair than sporting a few strands on my scalp...and stay chill the meds from nowdays are not even half good as their producers are claiming...as you have seen you can even have a buzz cut so why not trying? but each with their own ideas...


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joshua,maybe you should get an hairpiece....no honestly......propecia will let you down,minoxidil will let you down,an hair transplant will let you down....
a hairpiece will give you all your hair back....so f*****g what if it is not real...
pamela anderson is not real she has palstic tits and cosmetic surgery but i still find her attractive.......you can either go bald and be pissed off about it or get some balls and look your best...oh yeah when i am f*****g loads of women i will be thinking of you rubbing minoxidil on your head to stop the impossible?


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minoxidil is a short term soulotion to a permanent problem...i was on minoxidil for 12 months....for the first 3 months my hair thickend up a bit then got worse and worse......at first when i looked at hair pieces i was apalled thinking never will i do that but then i got thinking why is that bad......the wigs now are nearly undetectable and i am not prepared to live life miserable,i am not 1 of these people that can just say goodbye to my appearence and say life goes on.
i will post a pic of guy who wears hairpiece ,now guys which is best?


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hi guys

Firstly I want say the hair pieces you guys have are awesome, so natural. I bet no one looks at your hair when they talk to you. I recently got a hair piece as well, it's a clip on (just like a hair clip), not a glue on or tape on. The problem is that the front line is never natural. I have to have a medium fringe to cover it up, but even then it's still not so good.

Just wanna ask, does your one use tape? The reason I am scared of tape is firstly I have to shave my head, that means no going back, also I am worried that tape might cause allergy on my scalp, does tape do that to your scalp?

Thanks so much :)


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Andrei.. how did you go about getting a piece like this? My barber has pieces but they are wide in the front.. I feel like this style could help me get a job and stop being depressed..

I'm 25 and my hair is all falling out.. kinda feel like im too ugly to get a job or pursue a career as a lawyer as my hair is all falling out.


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Reading the Toplace board and wearing hair just seems like a nightmare.
Am reading the story now of one dude who got a botched order - nobody beforehand knew he wore - and the botched order made him a laughing stock (even his girlfriend found out).

Imagine that - you've got on a piece you know is laughable, and your girlfriend is all "Your hair looks different today hun... *feels it and discovers the bond* WTF you're wearing a WIG?"

I'd end up shaving it all off - but then everyone would still notice the NW6 shadow and so you'll have days of "finally ditched that awful wig eh?)

What Norwood are you TimeToDoIt? have you tried finasteride, minoxidil, and using Toppik to cover up any thinning?


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you know cuebald...I am wondering why are doing this kind of comments about wigs/pieces? you are totally against them but all day long you are reading and posting here in hair replacement...so I am wondering why? if you are frustrated about hair loss go and try one...if not...don't waste your time here giving people advices what should or not should do...
I am not wearing but I will give it one or two shots...and trust me I don't care about your opinion...

regarding that thread...yea...it was the fault of that guy...because you can not wear hair without having 2 pieces at time...one you wear it and the second just in case of something...
hearing that the guy was looking normal and nobody have known till that day that he is wearing... is a good news for me...because if you take care about everything you will look good again...
the story wasn't so bad because his girlfriend has accepted the guy after she found out that he is wearing...so don't try to lie people on here...

I am hearing all day long that I am not wearing because I am a tough guy...or I will look ridicolous...or I am working in a tough environment...or so on...
I bet that I am looking better than 50% people from here even with shaved head...but I want my look back...so I am gonna try it...but I am not giving advices to try or not to try that...I am doing this for me...not for other people...
if I will look normal and good again I wouldn't care too much about what other people will think about me if i will be ever busted...


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btw timetodoit...it is up to you if you are going to wear or not...but a hairpiece can look great nowdays...better than 80% of hair transplants...personally I have tried meds...and there's no sign of improving so far...
hair transplant's are overrated in my opinion...and a lot of pictures you are seeing out there are just made in a bad light or with people using concelears...
so if I am wrong please correct me guyz!


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I agree with Andrei on this. I feel bad for the guy who got busted, but it was an avoidable situation. If you depend on glasses to see, you have to keep a spare pair in case you lose them. If you are a hairpiece wearer you have to keep a wearable spare hairpiece in your bottom drawer at all times. You can get a decent piece now for less than $200, so it's not a huge investment. He allowed himself to get into a position where he had no option but to wear an obvious detectable piece. Either he was working on a very tight budget (too tight) or it was lack of foresight.