Future treatments to replace the need for pills or topicals or frequent procedures?




I have always wondered if any of the current research (leading to a possible future one) on male pattern baldness can result in a treatment involving the following:

1) People take the hair from the regions that are genetically resistant to falling out. (my father is 70, is bald but still has lots of hair on the sides and lower back). They clone these hair follicles through hair multiplication techniques. Now they plant it in regions that are bald. But ALSO, they replace every follicle in my head with the male pattern baldness Resistant follicles. Which means that the hair which could fall out is also replaced with the one which will not.

Do you guys think this option will be available when hair multiplication becomes possible? An unlimited supply of cloned male pattern baldness resistant follicles and covering out ENTIRE SCALP? Any problem with my vision in point 1.

2) People induce wound in my scalp. And by adding a topical or controlled wound healing or by another mechanism, new follicles can be generated. These follicles are DHT resistant or stay on my scalp for 10-15 years before DHT shrinks them.

Do you guys think there is any research through wound induced folliclular neogenesis that can help create follicles that are resistant to DHT or will remain resistant for 10-15 years?

Basically, if you guys get the gist, I am asking for your opinions on possible treatments that give us a permanent cure without the need for any future treatment involving genetic manipulation (like silencing dkk1 on scalp permanently). Something that does not require application of topical or need to ingest pills or frequent FUEs or other procedures. Something that can be done by EXTENDING the possible future treatments such as hair multiplication.


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These will never happen. Folical cloning will never happen. Look at the thread about the hair conference where lots of guys foolishly paid money for some guy to go and find out that there is nothing in the near future, which I stated before the dude even left for the conference. No one can even make vellus hairs become terminal.


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These will never happen. Folical cloning will never happen. Look at the thread about the hair conference where lots of guys foolishly paid money for some guy to go and find out that there is nothing in the near future, which I stated before the dude even left for the conference. No one can even make vellus hairs become terminal.

Lol, the negativity here is becoming like a self-deprecating parody.


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Growing follicles wouldn't be any different than growing a plant. You take the seeds (hair and skin cells), grow them in the right conditions and it should work.

There isn't anything special or amazing about it, you're just doing what the body naturally does except outside the body.

Once all the pieces of the puzzle are there, the possibilities are endless.


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These will never happen. Folical cloning will never happen. Look at the thread about the hair conference where lots of guys foolishly paid money for some guy to go and find out that there is nothing in the near future, which I stated before the dude even left for the conference. No one can even make vellus hairs become terminal.

Did you miss the part where Dr. Lauster's team has already cloned follicles?


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Weren't they micro follicles ? Too small to be regular follicles.

Until they start producing regular sized follicles by the thousands, I don't think we should be holding our breath.

Still so much to be done but optimistic people ignore that fact.


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Weren't they micro follicles ? Too small to be regular follicles.

Until they start producing regular sized follicles by the thousands, I don't think we should be holding our breath.

Still so much to be done but optimistic people ignore that fact.

Yes, that was about 4-5 years ago. All the news we get is old news. These guys are ultra quiet. For the last 4 years everyone thought that Dr. Lauster's team shelved the project and gave up. They're way further than we though and think they are. Check into Desmonds comments on BTT, they've overcome a lot of obstacles already and pretty much all teams in the world overcame the DP culturing and gene expression complications. We have no clue how far they REALLY are.


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These will never happen. Folical cloning will never happen. Look at the thread about the hair conference where lots of guys foolishly paid money for some guy to go and find out that there is nothing in the near future, which I stated before the dude even left for the conference. No one can even make vellus hairs become terminal.

hellouser is right, if I remember correctly they said to desmond they kept quiet to keep others in dark or something like that, so they are further than we think. look at the thread and you will find out how suspicious they were.


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hellouser is right, if I remember correctly they said to desmond they kept quiet to keep others in dark or something like that, so they are further than we think. look at the thread and you will find out how suspicious they were.
It doesn't matter, we're still ages away from a true cure. All that we know is at an end.


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It doesn't matter, we're still ages away from a true cure. All that we know is at an end.

Yeah it'll be years but it won't be decades.


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Curious how the clinical/safety trials will play out.

I wish there was some way to help and get this research sped up.

I don't know if public awareness or funding would help, maybe like breast cancer billboards and stickers and t shirts, we could get
something going for hair loss. I just don't think people would take us seriously though.

This is by far the safest/viable hair treatment out there though. Maybe Japan can kick start it when (if) it launches.


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Curious how the clinical/safety trials will play out.

I wish there was some way to help and get this research sped up.

I don't know if public awareness or funding would help, maybe like breast cancer billboards and stickers and t shirts, we could get
something going for hair loss. I just don't think people would take us seriously though.

This is by far the safest/viable hair treatment out there though. Maybe Japan can kick start it when (if) it launches.

Hahaha lmao, sorry man but that was pretty funny, I actually did laugh for a while. Shirts, stickers, we would not only not get any help, but we would be laughed at in public. If anything, the only ones that would not get laughed at would be women.
Or maybe just maybe if guys with normal hair would wear shirts, they would not get laughed at but would doubt it will make a difference.

Let's face it, people don't give a **** about male pattern baldness, so we're going to have to do this ourselves. The only thing we got going is a crowdfunding for a research team we have yet to decide, that's our best bet.


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Lol way to hurt my feelings. :sobbing: I didn't mean shirts and stickers for male pattern baldness, I was just using it as an example of how to get our message out there.

It is indeed a serious problem that no one takes us seriously or gives a sh1t, but that's nothing new.

Our good man Desmond should have asked Dr. Lauster if they needed more funding to move forward. Did anyone hear anything regarding that ?

On a different note, if these researchers had something going for them, they would have funding left right and center.

That explains why Cotsarelis cant even get two million.


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Curious how the clinical/safety trials will play out.

I wish there was some way to help and get this research sped up.

I don't know if public awareness or funding would help, maybe like breast cancer billboards and stickers and t shirts, we could get something going for hair loss. I just don't think people would take us seriously though.

People wouldn't take it seriously not because wearing a baldness cure t-shirt is lame, but because people have no respect for bald men. If this was for women or children, you'd easily get sympathy.

Furthermore, if you want to talk creative ways about gaining awareness, we should all brainstorm ideas. But that will require a separate topic.


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Well, after seeing Aaron Gardner's post on BTT, there's still a lot of obstacles left to overcome.

Let's hope for the best.


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Well, after seeing Aaron Gardner's post on BBT, there's still a lot of obstacles left to overcome.

Let's hope for the best.

Yes, I saw the guys managed to get one of the scientists there, really cool. I just hope the noobies don't start bombarding him with lame *** questions, in my opinion all questions need to be curated before they are asked to him.

Sooner or later he is going to get harrased and will eventually leave.
I am still down to put time for a crowdfunding campaign, but as far as a treatment for me at this at stage, I think it's too late. I would need the full cure, in the mean time I have been thinking a hairrsystem is a good option. I rather people make fun once if they do find out and I wi come clean then to hide myself any longer. I just need to get enough money now.


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You know the best way would be that bald/balding men started to fund good research for hair loss. If every bald/balding guy in America, Canada, Australia and Europe would donate just a little amount of money, together it would be very much money.


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You know the best way would be that bald/balding men started to fund good research for hair loss. If every bald/balding guy in America, Canada, Australia and Europe would donate just a little amount of money, together it would be very much money.

Throwing money at the problem doesn't solve the problem. We need to ensure that the money collected goes towards costs, trials, lab equipment, fees, employing researchers, etc. All these things need to move rapidly though.


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Throwing money at the problem doesn't solve the problem. We need to ensure that the money collected goes towards costs, trials, lab equipment, fees, employing researchers, etc. All these things need to move rapidly though.

That is what I meant with good research. Not throwing money in someone's pocket but at things what you mentioned.