I have always wondered if any of the current research (leading to a possible future one) on male pattern baldness can result in a treatment involving the following:
1) People take the hair from the regions that are genetically resistant to falling out. (my father is 70, is bald but still has lots of hair on the sides and lower back). They clone these hair follicles through hair multiplication techniques. Now they plant it in regions that are bald. But ALSO, they replace every follicle in my head with the male pattern baldness Resistant follicles. Which means that the hair which could fall out is also replaced with the one which will not.
Do you guys think this option will be available when hair multiplication becomes possible? An unlimited supply of cloned male pattern baldness resistant follicles and covering out ENTIRE SCALP? Any problem with my vision in point 1.
2) People induce wound in my scalp. And by adding a topical or controlled wound healing or by another mechanism, new follicles can be generated. These follicles are DHT resistant or stay on my scalp for 10-15 years before DHT shrinks them.
Do you guys think there is any research through wound induced folliclular neogenesis that can help create follicles that are resistant to DHT or will remain resistant for 10-15 years?
Basically, if you guys get the gist, I am asking for your opinions on possible treatments that give us a permanent cure without the need for any future treatment involving genetic manipulation (like silencing dkk1 on scalp permanently). Something that does not require application of topical or need to ingest pills or frequent FUEs or other procedures. Something that can be done by EXTENDING the possible future treatments such as hair multiplication.
I have always wondered if any of the current research (leading to a possible future one) on male pattern baldness can result in a treatment involving the following:
1) People take the hair from the regions that are genetically resistant to falling out. (my father is 70, is bald but still has lots of hair on the sides and lower back). They clone these hair follicles through hair multiplication techniques. Now they plant it in regions that are bald. But ALSO, they replace every follicle in my head with the male pattern baldness Resistant follicles. Which means that the hair which could fall out is also replaced with the one which will not.
Do you guys think this option will be available when hair multiplication becomes possible? An unlimited supply of cloned male pattern baldness resistant follicles and covering out ENTIRE SCALP? Any problem with my vision in point 1.
2) People induce wound in my scalp. And by adding a topical or controlled wound healing or by another mechanism, new follicles can be generated. These follicles are DHT resistant or stay on my scalp for 10-15 years before DHT shrinks them.
Do you guys think there is any research through wound induced folliclular neogenesis that can help create follicles that are resistant to DHT or will remain resistant for 10-15 years?
Basically, if you guys get the gist, I am asking for your opinions on possible treatments that give us a permanent cure without the need for any future treatment involving genetic manipulation (like silencing dkk1 on scalp permanently). Something that does not require application of topical or need to ingest pills or frequent FUEs or other procedures. Something that can be done by EXTENDING the possible future treatments such as hair multiplication.