FYI good deal



I just thought i would post this for people in Toronto this place has a deal on for the summer 4500 hairs for $3999.00 canadaian which is about 10 bucks US, good deal.

Just thought i would post for people

any one know anything about them


Experienced Member
Reaction score
'goof deal',. that was a typo.. right?

They give finasteride and min its proper dues, so that gives them some creds. That is a really good deal for a transplant. I dont even need one, but thats so cheap I may just get one anyways!

Joking aside, that is a good deal, but do make sure you find solid advice on their quality. A bad hair job is not worth it at any price.

The Gardener

Senior Member
Reaction score
jkriley.. you win my award for most clever avatar. I love it.

You know, there was an executive I used to work for several years back who once had a problem with her computer. It was stone cold dead. I directed her attention to the monitor 'on' switch but she demanded that I NOT touch it, saying that she pays me too much to mess around with small time computer issues, and instead called IT in a big huff. Sure enough.. the IT guy came up to our floor, walked over to her computer, and after a few minutes of observations hit the 'on' button on her monitor and taadaaaa.. there appeared on her monitor a fully functioning Windows desktop. This woman makes a six figure salary. Go figure.

I wish I had a sticker with your avatar that I could have put on her machine.


Experienced Member
Reaction score
Theres alot of stupid people in this world and if they do know something ...they are full of sh*t.
It seems in this country if your stupid then its automatic to have a nice paying job.Only in america.


Established Member
Reaction score
The Gardener said:
jkriley.. you win my award for most clever avatar. I love it.

You know, there was an executive I used to work for several years back who once had a problem with her computer. It was stone cold dead. I directed her attention to the monitor 'on' switch but she demanded that I NOT touch it, saying that she pays me too much to mess around with small time computer issues, and instead called IT in a big huff. Sure enough.. the IT guy came up to our floor, walked over to her computer, and after a few minutes of observations hit the 'on' button on her monitor and taadaaaa.. there appeared on her monitor a fully functioning Windows desktop.

When he left, did he lean back in the door and go "oh, by the way, YOU'RE WELCOME!"


Years ago I worked with a designer, who with a mac and a 17" monitor who used to store all her files on her desktop so she didn't have to navigate all thoses difficult folders, one morning I came in to see she had been delivered a nice new 21" monitor, when I asked why she had bought it she told me she had 'run out of memory on her desktop to store files'

this is not a joke this person actually walks this planet!! :freaked2:



kinda off subject but keeping with this thread, I have just been sent news that microsoft have patented the double click!!!!!

for christs sake!!

looks like other computer/PDA/handhelds etc are going to have to pay them to use it from now on!!




flux said:
'goof deal',. that was a typo.. right?

They give finasteride and min its proper dues, so that gives them some creds. That is a really good deal for a transplant. I dont even need one, but thats so cheap I may just get one anyways!

Joking aside, that is a good deal, but do make sure you find solid advice on their quality. A bad hair job is not worth it at any price.

How do you research the quality of a place ?

if you talk to people that have been there they will only let u talk to people that are happy