Galvanic current vs Dermaroller vs Ultrasound/sonic


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What do ya think...?

Not for "wounding"..but helping with topical absorption.


This powerful combination
is designed to deliver up to five times more ageLOC
ingredients to the skin

Vid on it and the topical:

A comb type attachment can be seen here:

Laboratory research demonstrates that • treatments with
Galvanic current can enhance the delivery of anti-aging
ingredients for up to 24 hours.

If a key ingredient is negatively charged, the negative cycle
of the Galvanic Spa Instrument will repel this ingredient—
facilitating its transport. In the same way, if the ingredient is
positively charged, the instrument will facilitate transport
when the cycle is positive. If there are impurities within the
skin that need to be pulled out, they will be extracted with
an opposite charge.


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Re: Galvanic current vs Dermaroller

Jacob, I was searching all over the internet about galvanic spa treatment as a possible scam. I was not able to find anything. Have you? Know any forums discuss how it helped them? I was tempted to try it from Amazon for my skin as well as scalp. However, I am very skeptical of gimmicks like these. I have an aculas laser and I stop using it because of so many doctors claiming it won't do much. Even it helps the skin, it would be worth it. I did read one person say that it did not make any difference in their skin. It would be nice to talk to someone who has used it.


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Re: Galvanic current vs Dermaroller

My guess is it would depend upon what is used with it...?

But no..I haven't looked into it a whole lot yet. Just been trying to find out more about this particular device..and others ones out there. I do like the company..used to take their "Nano" multi product(got 'em off of Ebay). And I've sent them some ?'s so will see how responsive they are.

I'm curious about that "laboratory research"..etc.


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Re: Galvanic current vs Dermaroller

Looks like it's also referred to as iontophoresis.

With properly controlled iontophoresis up to 400% better penetration can be achieved under ideal conditions and the improvement of skin can be hastened quite dramatically.

Schimdt published the results of iontophoresing retinoic acid or Estriol into skin scarred by acne. This gave results that are comparable with dermabrasion of the skin. Dermabrasion thins the skin and results in an artificial looking surface whereas iontophoresis of the skin nutrients actually makes the skin thicker, healthier and more beautiful. I have used both vitamin C and A to achieve this result in about 30 treatments done twice a week initially and then later once a week for 20 minutes on each occasion.

Another mentioned there is Sonophoresis.
involves the use of sound waves to transport vitamin molecules through the skin. The sound used is the same as the sound made by dolphins, which produces better penetration through the skin than conventional Ultrasound.

Iontophoresis is used for relatively large surface areas such as the face and neck, whereas Sonophoresis is used on limited areas such as the upper lip and the concentration of character lines around the eyes, on scar tissue and on pigmentation marks. Both methods can be combined, where necessary, for intensive treatments

Mitragotri has described that with sonophoresis he could get about 4000% better penetration after five minutes of sonophoresis at 20 KHz than with topical application.

The device mentioned on that site..and also here uses both tech.


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Re: Galvanic current vs Dermaroller

Ultrasonic Technology uses ultrasonic waves to gently but effectively exfoliate the skin, and to push nourishing products deeper into the epidermis to help the skin's processes renew cells.

Ultrasonic technology uses high frequency ultrasound waves, moving at 32,000 vibrations a minute, to coax open microscopic pathways between cells through which your skin care products can flow. Necessary elements provide by your skin care products can now gain access to deeper dermal layers, where new cells are forming new skin, to make it healthier and more resilient than ever before.

As the ultrasonic waves open the pathways of the skin, essential nutrients can now have the chance to reach the layers where skin is formed. Cells can have the ability to be restored to normal balance and function. This process can put cells back to work doing what they do best: growing, reproducing and protecting the body from age-causing environmental damage.

The Verseo Dermasonic Cleansing Brush employs low frequency ultrasonic technology to penetrate the skin's outermost layer, the stratum corneum. This simple, gentle treatment creates an imperceptible window through the skin that enables molecules to pass through with greater efficiency than intact skin.

Ultrasonic technology uses high frequency ultrasound waves to coax open microscopic, reversible pathways between cells through which your skin care products can flow. The necessary elements provided by your skin care products can now gain access to deeper dermal layers, where new cells are forming new skin, to make it healthier and more resilient than ever before.
Verseo Dermasonic Cleansing Brush uses revolutionary patented ultrasonic technology to gently cleanse your face. Ultrasonic technology has led us into the next step in skin care. It stimulates the cells of your skin, reaching down to the bottom of your pores for the most complete cleansing possible. The ultrasonic vibrations effectively destroy bacteria that may be preventing your skin from the kind of skin you've always desired.

Gentle ultrasonic vibrations are sent through the skin at a rate of 32,000 vibrations per minute. The ultrasonic vibrations promote exfoliation and stimulation of the skin causing a natural healing effect. Ultrasound has been used for years as a diagnostic as well as for therapuetic purposes. The Journal of American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has stated that "New skin-care product formulations, used in conjunction with ultrasound, will allow deeper penetration of topically applied rejuvenating agents into the skin, resulting in significantly improved aesthetic results."



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Rejuhair Ultrasonic Hair Massager..this ain't cheap either. Wonder if it'd be good enough to use with topicals as well...

By using vibration massage to open up your scalp’s pores, the Rejuhair helps to rejuvenate your scalp and get rid of dead skin and other material that keeps your hair from looking as healthy as it should. By using in conjunction with your shampoo every day, your hair can be brushed and vibrated clean with this ultrasonic aid.

Rejuhair vibrates ultrasonically at 130-150 times per second! A recommended treatment is 1-2 minutes in each area while being used with shampoo, brushing both top to bottom and side-to-side. It’s compact size and easy power makes Rejuhair convenient for any bathroom at any time.



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Samson's dual system provides you with one comb to help cleanse your scalp of dead skin buildup with a low-level infrared system and ozone producing system. The cleansing comb will kill bacteria buildup on your scalp, stimulate your hair follicles, and brush away dead skin with each stroke.

Follow-up with the applicator comb that will apply Minoxidil directly to your scalp while using ultrasonic vibrations to get the Minoxidil into the roots of your hair. No messing around with using your fingers to massage the Minoxidil into your scalp each day.

$50 here if they ever get 'em in stock again:


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If anyone is interested in that latter product...there's a 10% off coupon if you sign up for their newsletter.


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I ended up ordering that Hairsonic. Was debating whether to see if something similar and cheaper would become available...but then the quality may not be as good(this one looks/sounds good at least)..and who knows if this one will ever get any cheaper.

The main reason for me getting it is actually for applying topicals. If it works good for more rubbing topicals into my fingers and I'll more than likely actually spend more time applying them. Along with the massaging/sonic action(s) helping with getting them absorbed better. Not sure on the liposome/nanosome type topicals though..need to ask around about that. Maybe it would burst their bubbles :dunno:

But the same for shampoo'n. I have a habit of working the stuff in for just 20-30 seconds and then letting it sit on my scalp for a good 3+mins. Might be a better idea to use something like this..?? ..even if it's just a few times a week. I guess I'll take it easy with it at up to multiple times a week and even more than once a day.

The massaging itself...there's that debate out there whether it does anything or not. I'd be curious to know if anyone has tried any of the devices listed here..or another. P.M. me if you want.