Gambling & hair loss



Since you’ve been losing your hair, has anyone turned to gambling in order to try and change your overall mood?

Maybe you’ve come to the conclusion that the only way you can fund a possible hair transplant is to try and risk big money in order pay for it, thus gambling/betting.

Does anyone use any online bookies or casinos on a regular basis, betting big ££$$ on sporting events -to try and get away from thinking about hair loss all the time?


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lol.. Gunner funny you should mention that. I've always been a compulsive gambler but since I just turned 18, I'm now able to go to the casinos.. I play allot of poker but I'm not a big fan of the other games. I hate knowing that someone else has an advantage over me, in this case, the casino.

Green Soap

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Tuesday night we're playing poker over here. Bunch of friends acting like big shots, lots of booze 8) . Always a good time.

And I'm not much of a gambler but I imagine the crashing defeat of losing a lot of money would not help your problem.


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Yeah, definetly wouldn't help your outlook on life losing allot of money. A little poker now and then doesn't hurt anyone though.

The Gardener

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No, actually I am not all that into gambling. I mean, I do very much enjoy a good weekend stint to Las Vegas with the boys... the group of us 'taking over' a craps table and laying big money on the felt whilst we all get plastered off the free drinks. That, followed up by a nice 'comp'-ed dinner, and then a nice nap and shower and out to the clubs. Nothing better than Vegas for this sh*t, because you never have to worry about running out of time to go out. But, in terms of a mood enhancement, Vegas does not do that. I'd much rather get high and bone a hot young thing. Beats another night at the craps table anyday, hands down.


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I dont gamble at all never have but i do have my own vice i do to keep my mind of my hairloss.I watch Girls Gone Wild and throw empty beer bottles at the wall.


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Its funny all my mates love playing cards for big money (poker,brag etc) but when i turn up round the table i make them play chase the ace!
Its funny watching all these big drinking smoking blokes play my silly game.
Although they secretly love playing it because its a game of luck and the chance to stitch up your mate sitting next to you and no skill needed there!

Green Soap

Established Member
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Was in Vegas last November. That place is SO GD FUN!

I got to see Don Rickles! Yeah. I want to go back with more money next Nov with my business partners and just paint it red.


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Teetering on the edge said:
Was in Vegas last November. That place is SO GD FUN!

I got to see Don Rickles! Yeah. I want to go back with more money next Nov with my business partners and just paint it red.

Teetering-believe it or not I was on stage with Don Rickles at the Tropicana in A/C. I was more or less his puppet from the croud!!