Game From An Evolutionary Perspective. How Game Applied 60,000 Years Ago In 40-50 People Tribes.


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A little bit of pretext so bare with me.

I had severe acne growing up and I tried everything I could to get rid of it i.e antibitotics, benzoyl peroxide, salycilic acid etc. they helped a bit but never resolved it.

It wasn't until I read a study by an anthropologist who traveled to various hunter gatherer tribes all over the world and found that the people in these tribes including teens had virtually no acne. The jist of the study was the western diets were mainly responsible for acne namely sugars, dairy and high omega 6 to omega 3 ratio.

I went on a low carb Paleo diet and what do you know my acne went away literally over night.

I also had chronic back and neck pain and would constantly pull my muscles doing the most mundane tasks, it plagued me for a while untill I started watching some youtube videos on hunter gatherer tribes and noticed the 70+ year old men where 10x more limber than me. Long story short, i switched jobs to one that i no longer have to sit or stand up all day in, and I stretch daily constantly and squat when ever i need to rest, and lo and behold my back and neck pain is 100% gone.

See the theme Im getting at?

My one fatal weakness now is game and women.

I was sexually repressed from my extremely strict Muslim parents and am basically learning the a-b-c's of game at 28 that most 7th graders learn in western societies.

So i want to know from an evolutionary perspective how did young men successfully have sex 60,000 years ago in small 40-50 people tribes? The closest descendants to our native ancestors are the Khoisan bushmen so they are a good idea of what life was like 60,000 years ago

The khoisan is one of the most studied hunter gather tribes because they are they the direct descents of the humans thats walked the face of the earth 60,000 years ago in africa and are a very unique window to look into our past

Mind you this was before humans even correlated sex with pregnancy.

Assuming in a 50 person tribe their is 25 women (7 females over breeding age and 10 under breeding age and 8 within normal breeding age). That leaves 8 women for about 8-14 men since older men can still have sex.

In this dynamic how did a horny 22 year old engage in sex? Theres no dates you can take these girls out on, no saturday nights, no bars/pubs, no tinder, you get the point.

So you find one girl attractive, how would you flirt/engage with her? did these guys straight up tell these chicks I want to f*** you? keep in mind it wasnt untill 10,000 years ago that humans correleted sex with pregnancy. so LMR wasnt as severe im assuming. Did these guys try to seperate these chicks from the rest of the tribe in the forrest and physically escalate untill sex was inevitable?

The reason Im asking is because Im practically austistc when it comes to engaging with women with the intent of sex ie. flirting, escalation, etc.

I know that being physically strong and big will make you more favorable as a leader in these small tribes so i started bodybuilding and Im getting a lot of looks from women now, but my flirting, escalation game is still at a 7th grade level.

Dont get me wrong, im not a weirdo, I have super easy time making friends with guys and engaging in work/small talk with girls. But as soon as I want to f*** a chick im at a total loss as to how to move forward and I want to use these hunter gatherers as a guide as to how to engage.
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Don t use hunter-gatherer as how to engage with girls. (!)

Just have a super easy time engaging in small talk with lots of girls (as you wrote).

Maybe talk about neighbouring topics of sex, make up innocent fantasies like going on awesome holidays together and be super relaxed. I guarantee you it is just a matter of time. Honestly if you are that insecure, just relax and at some point a girl will hit you up.


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Also: Humans didn't correlate sex with pregnancy 10 000 years ago? Give me a break.

Being insecure in this context is really a self fulfilling prophecy, so just get out there all the time, get used to talk to people and you will become more relaxed.


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War was a big factor. If there was a woman shortage, you could go to war with the next tribe, and take their women.

Religion probably played a role too. If you didn't get women in this life, you would just get them in the next. The way to appease the spirit tree is to support the alpha male when he bangs eight women, by bringing him water and cooked wild deer meat, and paying your taxes.
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My guess is that girls didn't really choose who they mated with, guys did. And if you were the strongest you could likely take what you want, although obviously there would also be group dynamic. Doesn't matter if you're the strongest if the whole tribe hates you (although strength would be one of the most sought after traits so this is unlikely). So social status and intelligence also factored in.

I imagine all the prime young females went to the strongest alpha males.