Gardener, How bout that Xandrox


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I had to refill my monoxidil from Dr. Lee and decided to give Xandrox a go while I sleep. Its been about 2 weeks on it and that sh*t is, as you said like syrup. For something as strong and optimistically hopeful for growth I cant wait to get the stuff out of my hair. There is something else that is bugging me. So many speak of dandruff while on Monoxidil but I dont think it is all dandruff. I mean everyone is different but I think a lot of this flaking is Monoxidil residue dried. I have nightmares of a monoxidil film over my scalp not allowing rejuvenated hair shafts to break through, also I see Deaner out of the corner of my eye and yell SHED! and he pisses himself. Just kidding.