Gas and Bloating problems on Finasteride


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Has anyone on this forum experienced, gas problems after starting with finasteride (finpecia).

I've had severe gas problems, so much so that the loud gurgling/churning noise inside my stomach is easily audible to others present in the room. After 10-15 mins of this gas buildup I pass it and then after a few hours it happens again. It becomes worse in the night whilst asleep and early hours of the morning.

Just read this post today of another individual having a similar problem>> ... -propecia/

I started off with 0.5 mg and am on 1 mg now but the gas problems have been constant regardless of the dosage. I am 2 months in on finasteride and have never had stomach pains but there is this constant gas problem(wind moving inside the stomach which is pretty loud).

Have done a stools test for some common bacteria/worms and its some negative which leads me to believe that finasteride may be causing it.

Please note, I have experienced no other side effects. Went thru a huge shed as soon as I started on finasteride but hair fall has decreased considerably in the past couple of weeks and I lose only about 10 hairs everyday now.

I don't want to take a break from finasteride yet as I have just started and its not like I have pains that are unbearable. But would be great if some of you could share any similar experience and what they've done to find relief.

Jonny Q

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I Noticed that I felt very Bloated after starting on finasteride, for about the first 2 - 4 weeks, didn't realy have much of an appetite either, I've only been on it for 5 weeks now but the bloated feeling has reduced slightly, I'm trying to cut back on the food as I feel like I've put some weight on around my gut, put that down to lack of exercise maybe. Can't say I've had any major increase in the wind stakes though. I'm still shedding though, how long did your shed last before you noticed it starting to reduce?.
I think everybody is different, and when you introduce something new to your body people react in different ways, your body takes time to react and adjust to new things, see how it goes. The other thing is that when you start on something like finasteride etc, and having read all the other posts, you do get a bit "para" and you look for everything and anything to try and link it to the treatment.
I Hope it reduces for you, and good luck!


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Shedding almost stopped 3 weeks ago. I shed like 5-10 hairs everyday now. Big reduction from 150-200 hairs 2 months ago. Will be completing 3 months soon. However, no regrowth is happening yet.

The gas problems started the second day I went on finasteride. I am taking finpecia from an online pharmacy. Initally I thought that the drugs was fake as Gas/bloating has never been documented as a known side effect. The first 2- 3 week on finasteride were the worst as I had to see a doctor for my gas problems. However the test results for bacteria/worm came negative and by the end of the month I was felling much better although the I still have a "bad gas day" every alternate day.

In the 3rd week I was ready to quit it for some time, but because my shedding had increased I thought that finasteride was probably doing its job. Will stick on with it for a few more months and if no regrowth happens then I will switch over to propecia. Sadly though I will need to buy it from an online pharmacy as I was refused a prescription from my derma as he cited side effects as the major worry.

Will keep yuz posted.