Gb Of Cb-03-01(12.1.17) From Other Lab


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Welcome everyone in 2017.

Let's start the New Year from the New GB:)

Have discussed the terms with the new lab. One of our member had ordered from them and the purity was over 99%.

They claim the same that the purity over 99%.

I have decided to order from them cos the price is very goood. Kane offered 65$/1g while they offered 50$/1g when taking 100g!

1. Purity over 99%. Price 50$/ per 1 g.

2. The shipping is about 45$ . DHL mostly is used.

3. Payment- by Western Union(will write the details soon)

4. The same like last time- once they receive payment for 100g+ they will start to send the parcels individually (just they want me to send the addresses all of you)

5. Minimum to take is 5g! Also everyone who takes the part in the GB will have to send extra 10$ for the CB test. (if you do not want to pay 10$ for the test simply do not take the part)

Do not send this 10$ to them I will open a special paypal account.

6.Guarantee- " if hold by custom, we would like help customer to do clearance. If the goods sent back, we would sent it again via other ways. If its our reason to lost the goods, we would like to sent again."

Any questions do not hesitate to ask! Do not need to write your name that you are eager to take the part. Simply once I get the details of WU when you pay give me your (nickname plus amount you paid for , including shipping).

Regards guys


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Just to point this out: if they are sending parcels individually from their base, what does that test even do to prevent them from scaming you?

Should let them ship all grams in one parcel to you, test, then dispatch.

BTW is this lab WHP?


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I trust them cos one of other forum member have already ordered and tested their CB- purity was over 99%. Besides I am going to test any of the parcel doesn' need to be mine. We are going to take 5-10g each, the previous guy was taking 50g just for himself and was all right. I know that better to be assured what we get but there always will be a risk with experimental goods.
The price is very good if no one will be eager to order with me I order on my own 10 g in a bit higher price , no problem :)


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You might be interested in this:

I have obtained small samples of CB-03-01 from Kane and Wuhan Hengheda Pharm (WHP) respectively and I'd like to share my experience in using these two.

Vehicle: 50% Eth + 50% PG
Concentration: 0.67% ~ 1.33% (I apply 1.5ml daily, so that means 10mg ~ 20mg)

Kane: Severe insomnia: could only sleep for 4~5h each night; woke up tired. Shedding was less than baseline.

WHP: Heart palpitation when waking up. (This side effect appeared after 2 weeks of continuous use, I had to stop). Insomnia: possibly there was, but definitely not as severe as Kane's.

Kane's CB and WHP CB resulted in different side effects for me. I can only conclude that these two compounds are NOT the same. Hence at least one of these is not legit (probably both are not). Maybe they are selling other stuff; maybe their compound are an incomplete synthesis; maybe they have a lot of impurities. Be careful.

And just for what it's worth, WHP has no capability of producing CB. They're a second seller. I talked to a guy back in China months ago who had been buying CB from all kinds of labs in China individually and quite acquainted with them. There's only one lab capable of producing the real CB according to him and all the rest are resellers. He also got varying sides and effects (hair wise) from different labs.

Hilbert tested WHP's CB revealing 99% purity.

I personally bought from WHP once too and got sides. I'm very sensitive though.


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Just to point this out: if they are sending parcels individually from their base, what does that test even do to prevent them from scaming you?

Should let them ship all grams in one parcel to you, test, then dispatch.

BTW is this lab WHP?

How would they know which parcel I am going to test?? Do you reckon they will risk that anyway? As my knowledge is- to produce CB is not more expensive than RU. Having lab or contacts where to get it from( or even resell it) , they still make a lot of money.

It's risky to take 100g in one package. Once custom hold it might be a huge problem. I would prefer smaller amounts and more packages. Last time did work well, this time would love to do the same.

We always can increase the chance to know what we get and do the lab test of 2 different parcels.... ?!

Btw. the name of the source we are going to purchase the CB is - Zbechem Chemicals. Anyone willing to share feedback/knowledge/exp about them?


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We always can increase the chance to know what we get and do the lab test of 2 different parcels.... ?!
Well they can always statistically benefit themselves by scamming on a certain proportion of batches especially when they sense that the group buy happening doesnt seem so professionally arranged...?(no offense:))

And when the testing rests on various individual buyers, even if a bad batch get revealed, all they need to do is to claim that specific buyer got it wrong (excuses like buyer got it polluted,3rd party testing lab error, etc. )and insist on testing all the batches for your accusation.

Then even if you somehow managed to get all buyers spend a ridiculars amount of money and time to test all the batches, it will turn out many of them are pure. Then the lab can excuse themselves again with the same talking above. STATISTICALLY they profit and the odds of us winning over them is really small.

(And these are supposed that you did find a bad batch with that one or two random tests in the first place)

Remember that during the first GB on a private forum even after multiple exchanges and initial sample testings the lab still got the ball to send all buyers fake chemicals? Likely RU instead of CB
(according to the collective analysis back then of course I dont mean thats a proven truth)

This is shark infested water and at the end of the day its our hair and wallet that suffer! So do be cautious with shady labs and act tough right in the beginning!


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well are you able then to get 100g ,test it and resend to others? If you wanna do it this way no problem to me at all. I am not able to do it that's why tried to avoid it and find another solution. If there is a volunteer let's do this way then!
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well are you able then to get 100g ,test it and resend to others? If you wanna do it this way no problem to me at all. I am not able to do it that's why tried to avoid it and find another solution. If there is a volunteer let's do this way then!
I'm not. I'm just suggesting a more secured way to do this though.

I understand that you just want to generate some interest and get the price down so that you can benefit from it too :) I'm just saying we should probably be more careful


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I do not do it just for myself. Most people from last GB asked me when will be another one. I would order just for myself 10g in a bit higher price but why not to get in lower if everyone might benefit of it?
In respond to your thoughts- any option you chose there always will be a risk! 1 package of 100g and a high risk of holding it by custom where we can lose money,CB plus the person who orders get into troubles (in most of countries CB as steroid is forbidden and random checks are always possible).
Smaller amounts like 5-10g are more safe,you always can find any explanation or excuse and looks like just for your own use where 100g is suspicious.
In my case you risk the purity(anyway we are going to test it and I was thinking- everyone would send me 10mg who is courious what gets I will mix it up and send like that to the lab??!
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Guys how many of you are willing to purchase the Cb on this GB? Soon wanna give the WU details but would like to know if carry on the topic cos have left the CB for another month maybe. Meant to be untill May but my scale is cheating me.

If most of you are unsure I will order on my own...


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Out of interest, have all you guys tried finasteride before and got sides?


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Have collected over 100g. At the moment they send the packages. 2-3 each time not all together in the same time(me and the other people want in this way).. 2 people already got it.
The lab test will be done in more /less 1 month.
If everything goes well and the CB is legit I will keep in touch with the lab and most likely doing frequently the GB.