Gene Doping


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I was interested in a news report on a confrence with regards to cheating in the sports. They had Dr.'s and specialists and what not there to talk about future means of cheating through steroids or other methods that could be on the horizon. One of the methods they talked about was gene doping. They used the example of Kenyans being so good at long distance running because of a gene within their ethnic background. The idea is to isolate that gene and somehow alter the cheaters gene, or add this gene to the cheater to make them a better athlete. I wondered later if this becomes possible, we could use gene doping to isolate the hair loss gene, or add the gene of someone with great hair to ourselves.


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indeed it is possible... but currently they're having many problems with this so called "gene-therapy". I'm writing an essay on it right now, and the major danger is CANCER and probably mis-expression of the gene.

Imagine growing hair out of your retina :eek:


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Rage said:
Imagine growing hair out of your retina :eek:

I'd rather not, in a recent dream I had a half inch long hair growing straight out of my right pupil and that was disturbing enough.


Rage what level of education are you at?

Could you mail me the essay when you are done?

Ps. Tampering with genes is something they won´t be doing clinical for the next half century so don´t bet on it to save your hair - what genes control that and what other things are controlled by those genes.

Stemcells will be the cure - but not tomorrow or next week.


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What about the week after that? =)

I swear, I have a frickin routine of feeling like sh*t about myself, then going home and checking this site as if there is going to be some huge announcement of the cure or something.

Confession time: I seriously cried when I came home pissed drunk a few weeks back and connected to this site to check for the monthly news letter. I read Dr. Gho's research about the "unexplained" hair multiplication- the 1 transplanted hair growing 3 or 4. That made me think for the first time that they are actually on to something. They were tears of drunken joy. GOD DAMN I can't wait until the day when they cure this sh*t. I don't care if I'm 40 (only 12 years to go), I'm still going to be happy as hell. If I make it that long. Been feeling insane and reckless lately. f*****g hair loss!

Good luck, and keep your hopes up. It's all we got sometimes.


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only 21 years till i'm 40... :/


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nesta said:
Rage what level of education are you at?

Could you mail me the essay when you are done?

I'm a lowly 2nd year uni student, doing biochem+mol. Its not an essay about hairloss gene therapy, but gene therapy in general. I'll wisk you a copy once its done (3 weeks or so).