Gene editing saves girl dying from leukaemia in world first


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For the first time ever, a person’s life has been saved by gene editing.One-year-old Layla was dying from leukaemia after all conventional treatments failed. “We didn’t want to give up on our daughter, though, so we asked the doctors to try anything,” her mother Lisa said in a statement released by Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, where Layla (pictured above) was treated.
And they did. Layla’s doctors got permission to use an experimental form of gene therapy using genetically engineered immune cells from a donor. Within a month these cells had killed off all the cancerous cells in her bone marrow.

It is too soon to say she is cured, the team stressed at a press conference in London on 5 November. That will only become clear after a year or two. So far, though, she is doing well and there is no sign of the cancer returning. Other patients are already receiving the same treatment.

Maybe one day we'll get our turn.

Agustin Araujo

My Regimen
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Wonderful that the one-year-old girl Layla has been saved though gene editing and didn't die from leukemia.

Great share resu! :heart:


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Second chances are what we all love to live for.
We can all feel a human connection to the formerly hopeless recipients of this new and saving technology/science.