General finasteride Shedding Questions


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I have a question regarding finasteride and shedding. From reading here it seems like multiple bad periods of shedding are fairly common. Is this more because it causes people to post here about their situations or is it fairly common?

I might be starting Propecia soon and while most of what I read here is encouraging, some stories about shedding aren't. It makes me discouraged to even start taking it. What about after a year's time? I know the motto is to just stick with it... but to be honest it scares me. Sorry for all the questions, and thanks in advance for answers.


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KevinWondering the question you should be asking yourself is would you like to loose most of your hair due to male pattern baldness or would you like to start down the road to maybe growing some of your lost hair back or at least keeping what you have got :shock:

The shedding thing is still way better than male pattern baldness.

I think you will find most people have had a bad shed but your hair will grow back better than before it just takes time, patience is what you need and lots of it.


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thanks, I'm a little apprehensive and I will be starting treatment soon, but I'm getting better at putting it in perspective, thanks mostly to this board.

I'm particularly concerned because I am pretty sure I'm going through a natural shedding period... it would be nice if I could get that back too, but if I kept what I have now I could be content. Thanks for the support.


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its all about the standpoint you take on male pattern baldness. I, like many people here, have recently noticed some thinning. Rather than watching my hair thin, i have tried propecia. After two months, some shedding has occurred, but hopefully that will fill in and perhaps grow back thicker. The drug takes time to build up in your system and in result, takes time for your hair to respond. Put easier, either do/try something for your hair loss or watch it go with nature, your choice.

Whatever you decide, good luck


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Think about this

Did you notice when you had a shed before you noticed you had male pattern baldness?

Did you count how many hairs a day you lost before male pattern baldness?

Did you even look at your hairline in detail before male pattern baldness?

How much do you observe your hairline now you are aware of male pattern baldness?

Do you counlt every single hair you lose now you have male pattern baldness?

don't count hairs, it's known that the average person loses upto 100 hairs a day, this is quite normal, Don't count hairs it means nothing.


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Good advice... you are so right in that it's so easy to let it all get tangled up in your mind and possibly drive you crazy. I'm here because I decided to do something about it, like all of us, and it's sort of come as a shock that I have to deal with it so soon. Forgive me for being a wuss. :)


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This board really is great... I think I will be a regular for the next X years.



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KevinWondering said:
Good advice... you are so right in that it's so easy to let it all get tangled up in your mind and possibly drive you crazy. I'm here because I decided to do something about it, like all of us, and it's sort of come as a shock that I have to deal with it so soon. Forgive me for being a wuss. :)

A while ago i lost like 50hairs in the shower i almost cried........but if i lose alot of hairs a day i don't care nemore, i do not count hairs, as stated by many earlier. it takes a YEAR for some to see positive results, 1 out of 356 common fellas we are smarter than this.


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Your not a wuss KevinWondering :) it's a long battle against male pattern baldness but you can beat it just get on the finasteride and give it a year. I know a year does not sound like much but when you are staring at the barrel of male pattern baldness gun it's along time. I can't count how many times I have heard it related to a roller coaster on this board but that's what the fight is like, good luck

PS If you need help just search the forum and if you don't find it just ask! :lol: