general practitioners are a waste of time


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Went to my GP yesterday to talk about a side effect I'm having from finasteride--possibly gynecomastia.

First thing out of his mouth after I mentioned that I was concerned that I might be developing gyno was "I don't think that's a side effect of the medication."

Bam. I knew right then and there that I was wasting my time. I could tell by the expression on his face that I should just leave.

So I insist that it is indeed a possible side effect. He gets a snide look on his face and gets out a big medical book.

He looks up propecia and bang--I point to where it talks about breast enlargement. It was the same material that comes in the mail when you send away for info on propecia.

After a bit I mentioned if it were possible for him to prescribe nolvadex, which is a medication that is commonly prescribed for such a condition. What does he say? "I've never heard of that medication being prescribed for that condition." Ummm, really Doctor? What rock do you live under?

Did I mention that he did not even evaluate me to see if I actually have gyno? He didn't even ask me to lift up my shirt. He didn't check me out physically at all.

Luckily I've found a specialist in the area that has actually written papers for medical journals about nolvadex being presribed for patients with finasteride-induced gynecomastia.

Goddamn it!!!!!!!!!! It is so pathetic that people have to be this thorough when it comes to their own medical care. How many people routinely get shafted by doctors and aren't smart enough to question what they say?



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Do you know what nolvadex is?


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It wasn't a good idea to make jokes 4 minutes after my pissy post. Everything goes over my head when I'm pissed.


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Before I severely disrespect the medical practice as a whole, let me start by saying: "God help us all."

That said, I now feel it is essential to point out also, that there are many excellent physicians and G.P.'s available to the normal guy/girl.

... Now, let the spanking begin:

Dude, you have to remember that a lot of the G.P.'s and doctors you go to, are very arrogant and conceited.. they're like my rich-girl cousins who were raised in a VERY rich and priviliaged household.. with violin lessons in a mansion and all that sh*t... but they still ended up anorexic and 'boy crazy', and then STILL were able to pass their courses, and become you guessed it... G.P.'s and docs !

So, when you are dealing with them, and you suggest information to them which they may not have heard of before.. you sort of 'insult their intelligence' (not how me and you perceive it, but how a super stuck-up self-titled GENIUS would take it)... so ya know, tactfulness will get you EVERYWHERE with these type of cats..

Especially if you are in the military.... trust me on that, I had to kiss some serious *** to get what I wanted from my health benefits while serving in the U.S.A.F.

But still, it's bullshit and of course not ALL docs are like this, some are very happy to hear that you have 'read-up' on your stuff, and can suggest to them things that they have not heard of...
.. Or, they may be upset because you've 'stumped' them, .. yes, they, the ELITE working class.. the 'untouchables' perhaps... (that's what they think)...

So roll with it.. explain, educate.. and if they don't take YOUR EDUCATED CITIZEN WORD.. then f*** em', find another Doctor to do biz with (and give the good guy your money, always).



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NO not all GP's are ignorant regarding this subject, but keep in mind that they are not experts in this field, a dermatologist is, go and see one of the for male pattern baldness probelms, infact go see 2 or 3 of them because it is always best to get as many expert opininos as possible!
That is not to say that all GP are not learned in this field, go asd get as many opinions as you possibly can and get educated on the subject thats the best thing you can do.


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The sad fact these days its its easier to become a GP than a software engineer or a network admin. Basically if you just barely make it thorough med school, have no interest in anything medical related, you become a GP.

GP's these days are mostly gatekeepers for the real doctors. They basically try to keep insurance costs down by refusing medical care to people in return for being a "primary" physician for local insurance branches.

They dont do sh*t and you will know more than them if you have internet access and causally read the Merck manual in your spare time.

I dont bother giving those GP's money for nothing, I get a PPO through my job, then just go directly to any specialist I want. And I pay nothing outside of my premium. Sure it costs more for the PPO, but at least I get medical care.


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Thanks for the responses.

Yeah, the problem is that I want to see a specialist about this. That's the only reason I went to see my GP--to get a referral to a specialist.

I'm going to have to read up on my insurance but I'm pretty sure I need a referral to see a specialist. I don't know what to do. Should I just go see a specialist and foot it myself? That may turn out to be too expensive and then my insurance may not cover the cost of any medication that is prescribed.

I was also thinking of just switching to another GP and then trying to get a referral from them.

Thinning, what is a PPO? Can you explain your coverage a little more to me? That is great that you can just go directly to a specialist.


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A HMO requires that you see a primary doctor - a gatekeeper to real medical care. You are not allowed to see a specialist and in some cases visit an emergency room without a referral. If you do, you pay the entire bill.

A PPO means you can see any doctor you want. Its free to see in-network doctors, and you fork up a co-pay for those not in network. There is a max deductable, usually a couple hundred dollars for that co-pay so if you end up seeing a lot of out of network doctors it doesent get outrageously expensive. .

PPO's usually cost significantly more, especially for family's. I dont have a family and I pay $55 a month extra for the PPO with our plan. Thats a lot, it used to be $35 extra but they changed stuff around on me this year.

But my chiropractor visits are free, and I usually throw my back out a couple times a year. I would have a hard time getting a referral to a chiropractor so I would end up spending $75 a pop if I had the HMO.

hair mchair

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I hate my primary care doctor. I need to find someone else. The thing I hate about him the most is he tries to rush me out of his office. He doesn't even wait until I'm finished. I've also noticed this of doctors in general. I'll still have several questions left, but they're already halfway out the door. :evil:


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Im with you Doctor seems to want that money more then wanting to help......what i really hate is if you do get a question in there before they boot you out...they usually answer....."oh thats common".."dont worry about it"....i could tell them i have VD..."oh thats common dont worry about it".


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Well, I've decided to make copies of all the medical studies I found at PubMed about finasteride-induced gynecomastia. I'm going to send them to my GP. I really don't care if he responds or not.

My doctor seems to think that the Physician's Desk Reference is the only source he needs.