
General Question: Why Not A Hairpiece?


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Hi, my general question is. Why doesn´t the majority in this forum just go for a hairpiece?

My person
I am thinking about quiting finasteride and minoxidil and just go for a piece. I am early with finasteride and it is likely it will help my hair, but I am very scared of side. Especially of brain fog ( Inteligence is all I have and what is giving me a huge advantage in life), fat loss or distribution in face (I am 25, but sometimes look like 16) and gyno (I always had gyno, finasteride already worsened it a bit for me. But like it is now, i could easily live with it) but the other possible sides are driving me crazy.

My thoughts
First: I have (but not at the front) thic dark hair, that is looking very silver under light.

This are my actual thoughts about hairpieces. Please comment them or correct them if I am wrong.

1.--price-- I am living in Germany, after what I read 1000€ / year for the hairpieces would be enough (I whould order them for 250-350€ each piece (french lace) and glue and so on at home by myself [The first time in studio, so the first year would be about 1000€]

2.--look-- Hairpieces, if you follow simple rules (personal density, good quality, good maintaining) are nearly undetectable.

3.--reactions-- I would be open about the hairpiece. Cause if it is good, than what people will critisize? "He looks good, but his hair is fake" ->This is ridiculous. If it looks good, it doesn´t matter whether fake or not (f.e teeth).

4.--Sport-- I will only go 3 times a weak in a gym or mabye doing some running. I think that is no problem. I dont like swimming, just staying i warm water. SO my head would not get wet.

5.--daily life-- I am not planing to go hiking for 2 weeks or sth similiar, so I don´t see a problem.

6.--summersun-- I heard, the hairpiece will loose colour when too much in sun. SO in sun, wearing a hat is a solution or am i wrong?

7.--holiday-- I will only go for holiday, if I have a gf again. And I will be open. SO maybe I would go even without the piece on holiday. Problem solved.

8.--crowd-- cause an inteligent chosen hairpiece is undecteable, people in crowd would think it is my real hair. Is that right?

9.--chaning-- If I don´t have a bad headskin, i could wear a hairpice at least 5 days without removing it? AM I right?

10--time-- The time for maintaining my hairpice will not take more than 5 hours a week, am i right?

11--rollecoaster.. Is it possible with hairpice?

12--cutting-- I am cutting my hair lusing a shaver (2,5cm). Can I cut the hairpice just in the same way? If not, why?

So this is all for now. I am curios for you answers :)
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Hair Newbie

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Hi, my general question is. Why doesn´t the majority in this forum just go for a hairpiece?

My person
I am thinking about quiting finasteride and minoxidil and just go for a piece. I am early with finasteride and it is likely it will help my hair, but I am very scared of side. Especially of brain fog ( Inteligence is all I have and what is giving me a huge advantage in life), fat loss or distribution in face (I am 25, but sometimes look like 16) and gyno (I always had gyno, finasteride already worsened it a bit for me. But like it is now, i could easily live with it) but the other possible sides are driving me crazy.

My thoughts
First: I have (but not at the front) thic dark hair, that is looking very silver under light.

This are my actual thoughts about hairpieces. Please comment them or correct them if I am wrong.

1.--price-- I am living in Germany, after what I read 1000€ / year for the hairpieces would be enough (I whould order them for 250-350€ each piece (french lace) and glue and so on at home by myself [The first time in studio, so the first year would be about 1000€]

2.--look-- Hairpieces, if you follow simple rules (personal density, good quality, good maintaining) are nearly undetectable.

3.--reactions-- I would be open about the hairpiece. Cause if it is good, than what people will critisize? "He looks good, but his hair is fake" ->This is ridiculous. If it looks good, it doesn´t matter whether fake or not (f.e teeth).

4.--Sport-- I will only go 3 times a weak in a gym or mabye doing some running. I think that is no problem. I dont like swimming, just staying i warm water. SO my head would not get wet.

5.--daily life-- I am not planing to go hiking for 2 weeks or sth similiar, so I don´t see a problem.

6.--summersun-- I heard, the hairpiece will loose colour when too much in sun. SO in sun, wearing a hat is a solution or am i wrong?

7.--holiday-- I will only go for holiday, if I have a gf again. And I will be open. SO maybe I would go even without the piece on holiday. Problem solved.

8.--crowd-- cause an inteligent chosen hairpiece is undecteable, people in crowd would think it is my real hair. Is that right?

9.--chaning-- If I don´t have a bad headskin, i could wear a hairpice at least 5 days without removing it? AM I right?

10--time-- The time for maintaining my hairpice will not take more than 5 hours a week, am i right?

11--rollecoaster.. Is it possible with hairpice?

12--cutting-- I am cutting my hair lusing a shaver (2,5cm). Can I cut the hairpice just in the same way? If not, why?

So this is all for now. I am curios for you answers :)

1. --price--
Based on my two months wearing experience . I expect my annual average cost show as below:
USD $400-$500 3 to 4 pieces of hair systems.
USD $50 Hair products
USD $50 Tapes and adhesive
By the way, I don't go to salon, I cut my own hair.

Yes, 100% undetectable.

If you don't tell anyone. People will never notice that you wearing a hair systems. It's similar to dentures/ false teeth.

Same as your own real hair. You can pretty much do anythings. I only can think of two sports that you can not do: Break dancing headspin or Hair hanger trapeze artist.

5.--daily life--
You will look at the mirror more.

I live in the cold climate place and the UV rates is really low right now so I don't have the answers for this yet.

You should tell your gf you wear a hairpiece in case she want to have sex with you.

Nobody will know unless you tell them.

My longest wearing record is 10 days. I know I can wear it for 4-5 weeks if I want to. My scalp don't have any irritation. Maybe a bit of itchiness but it doesn't bother me much. I'll let other wearers who have a skin irritation to answer this.

I felt frustrate during the first month of practice period. Once I've done that several times, now I can do it in less than 30 mins. I can do everything (clear up the whole system, bonding...) for less than 15 mins if I use Got2be glue. The hair system maintenance time is much faster and easier today than it was 30 years ago when I have my real hair.

Absolutely fine if you are using Walker or Ghost Bond products glue. Got2be hair gel maybe okay too unless you are excessive sweating on the scalp.

12--cutting-- I am cutting my hair lusing a shaver (2,5cm). Can I cut the hairpice just in the same way? If not, why?
What number is 2.5cm? I use clipper #2 and #3 cut my sides and back.

The only disadvantages of the hair system is I have to shave off all my bio hair on top of my head , I really don't like that.

Please excuse any typos or grammatical errors here because I typed this with my thumbs.


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It's about personal preference. Why is there more than one brand of automobile, and why does each manufacturer have many models at different prices to chose from? Each individual has different requirements, needs, budget, etc.

If I was, at my age, only slightly bald at the crown (as if), I would do a transplant.


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@Hair Newbie Thank you for your answer. I think, the greatest challenge for most guys is the psychological one. That you have to glue sth. to your head. But if you see it as a accesoir or a prothesis, I think that will be no problem for me. So if nearly nobody can spott it, than I real don´t know where the problem is?

-Can you shave the hairpiece with a clipper (as long as possible)? I am doing it actually with my real hair. Isn´t it possible with a piece?

-Had yopu ever a scary situation, where sth. on you head start loosening or are you not afraid in generell, that sth. loosened?


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It's about personal preference. Why is there more than one brand of automobile, and why does each manufacturer have many models at different prices to chose from? Each individual has different requirements, needs, budget, etc.

If I was, at my age, only slightly bald at the crown (as if), I would do a transplant.

I am balding at the front. A hairpiece will be the best solution for me. In 10-20 years, I will than switch to haircloning. I imagine, it could be ones cheap, when it is reaching mass prodcution. Tsuji will be maybe allready avaiable in 5 years. Imagine a hairclonming method, where they clone in mass prodcution out of 1 hair, a few thousands. And than a machine, is implantig you the hairs. Precise and cheap. Imo, it sounds possible in near future.

Till than, I will get myselfe a hairpiece.


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The reactions and undecteableness it all depends on how well it's done of course, color, density, and haircut/mash with your real hair. I've went from bad to decent/good, never great so far because my template is screwed. Need to get a new one done soon. Anyways, people never noticed other than in the beginning when it was bad, and I still managed to weasel myself out of it.

Thing is, if you tell everybody, you expose yourself to endless gossip. Many will talk behind your back to others "did you know he wears a wig?" I think that's just the way we are. What's funny it's it depends on how big your piece is, the smaller it is the less of a curiosity would it be to others. Just imagine saying you were balding very little on top and have a small circle of filler hair there. Saying your whole top or even head is shaved brings more attention.

6. Sometimes yes, there's also products (conditioners) that help with blocking UV and they are made for hair pieces.

9. I wear for 14 days in the summer easily and 20+ days in the winter. Full tape, holds great. Glues on the other hand suck for me. Never tried scalp protector though.

Hair Newbie

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What happens if she touches the hair? Different texture?

@Noah said that the hair system is undetectable by touch even during sex if done properly.
I need to ask Noah or some experts how to make it undetected if your sex partner run her/his hands through the edges of the hair system??


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The reactions and undecteableness it all depends on how well it's done of course, color, density, and haircut/mash with your real hair. I've went from bad to decent/good, never great so far because my template is screwed. Need to get a new one done soon. Anyways, people never noticed other than in the beginning when it was bad, and I still managed to weasel myself out of it.

Thing is, if you tell everybody, you expose yourself to endless gossip. Many will talk behind your back to others "did you know he wears a wig?" I think that's just the way we are. What's funny it's it depends on how big your piece is, the smaller it is the less of a curiosity would it be to others. Just imagine saying you were balding very little on top and have a small circle of filler hair there. Saying your whole top or even head is shaved brings more attention.

6. Sometimes yes, there's also products (conditioners) that help with blocking UV and they are made for hair pieces.

9. I wear for 14 days in the summer easily and 20+ days in the winter. Full tape, holds great. Glues on the other hand suck for me. Never tried scalp protector though.

I want buy one for myself. I got good hair at the back and top. Just the front is miniaturizing and the temples loosk bad. So my plan is, do buy one and cut a piece out of it and just do the front.
I want to send the site I will be ordering a hairsample from me, so that the coulour will match.

I got some more quesitions.

1. Can you cut a hairpiece without problems into smaller one. F.e a french lace? Or isn´t it possible?

2. To cut your hairpiece in, do you really nead to go to a expensive studoi for it? Can´t you do it just at home? I cut my whole head with a (long) clipper. Cant I install my hairpiece at the front, and just cut it with my real hair with the cliper how i used to do? I dont want to show my front and wear it stright down. So i dont have to be that exact.


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I want buy one for myself. I got good hair at the back and top. Just the front is miniaturizing and the temples loosk bad. So my plan is, do buy one and cut a piece out of it and just do the front.
I want to send the site I will be ordering a hairsample from me, so that the coulour will match.

I got some more quesitions.

1. Can you cut a hairpiece without problems into smaller one. F.e a french lace? Or isn´t it possible?

2. To cut your hairpiece in, do you really nead to go to a expensive studoi for it? Can´t you do it just at home? I cut my whole head with a (long) clipper. Cant I install my hairpiece at the front, and just cut it with my real hair with the cliper how i used to do? I dont want to show my front and wear it stright down. So i dont have to be that exact.

1. It is possible, but not practical for someone doing this first try out. You need to shave off your thinning hair enough so it can blend with the front, partial. It's better to just have a template made, and order a custom front partial. When it comes, have a salon take the template (which should come back with the unit), shave the front of your hairline, and attach the unit. Then it can be blended.

2. See above. If you are using clippers to cut your own hair, how short are you cutting it? You are limited to how short you can cut hair in a hair system and not see the lace, you can go as short as about 1cm. Anything you buy will likely be 6" (15.4cm), that means you will need to blend it, with a comb and thinning shears. Using clippers on a hair system is tricky, even for professionals. And if you are not careful, you will destroy it. Also, hair system hair does not move exactly like human hair, it has a "direction".

There is a guy, in Australia who has a Youtube channel. He used to shave the front of his hair, which was buzzed short, and buy large hair systems, and cut strips out, and glue them on front. He looked, absurd. He has finally moved on to complete hair systems.

Hair Newbie

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But when it arrives, how do you cut it (The hair, not the system)?
I cut my bio hair before attached the hair system.. To learn how to cut your own hair with clipper. Go to YouTube and search for "clipper cut your own hair" .


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1. It is possible, but not practical for someone doing this first try out. You need to shave off your thinning hair enough so it can blend with the front, partial. It's better to just have a template made, and order a custom front partial. When it comes, have a salon take the template (which should come back with the unit), shave the front of your hairline, and attach the unit. Then it can be blended.

2. See above. If you are using clippers to cut your own hair, how short are you cutting it? You are limited to how short you can cut hair in a hair system and not see the lace, you can go as short as about 1cm. Anything you buy will likely be 6" (15.4cm), that means you will need to blend it, with a comb and thinning shears. Using clippers on a hair system is tricky, even for professionals. And if you are not careful, you will destroy it. Also, hair system hair does not move exactly like human hair, it has a "direction".

There is a guy, in Australia who has a Youtube channel. He used to shave the front of his hair, which was buzzed short, and buy large hair systems, and cut strips out, and glue them on front. He looked, absurd. He has finally moved on to complete hair systems.

This is my current hair status. Too much, to go with a full hairsystem I think. Finarestid is not doing me any good and I feel bad on it. So a hair transplant is no option, cause in few years my top hair will also thin. A hair transplant without finasteride in my age (25) is bullshit. So i thought about a frontal piece. I dont want to show my hairline ( I never liked it).


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I cut my bio hair before attached the hair system.. To learn how to cut your own hair with clipper. Go to YouTube and search for "clipper cut your own hair" .

I am doing it since 2 years. So my quesition was, why not to cut the hairpiece also with a clipper than? (I have one with a maximum of 1.7 inch (4.5cm)) . I dont want to show my front, more go with a hair down look.

Hair Newbie

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I am doing it since 2 years. So my quesition was, why not to cut the hairpiece also with a clipper than? (I have one with a maximum of 1.7 inch (4.5cm)) . I dont want to show my front, more go with a hair down look.

It looks like you are on norwood scale 3A or A4 and still have plenty of thick hair. You can wear a small hairpiece in front of all the healthy hair like youtuber StickOnHair. He divided one piece of hair system to few small pieces that big enough to cover the front.

channel link:

This is what he said :

How to attach a hair system in 99 seconds.
I'm using a piece of stock medium brown medium density French Lace that I cut myself (I would have purchased Swiss Lace but the delivery is not as fast) from and Walker Tape Ultra Hold adhesive.
I bought 6 hair pieces for US$129 each + US$50 delivery ($824) -
they arrived via international shipping within 3 days - which I was able to cut into 18 pieces. If I ration them to 3 weeks each, that gives me 54 weeks of hair pieces. That's about a year's supply. Lets assume 52 weeks because I'll make a couple of mistakes. 824/52 = $15.84 per week.
Spray on alcohol is about US$30 per year. 30/52=$0.57 per week.
Walker Tape Ultra Hold costs (US$21.87) per bottle.
Realistically, one bottle lasts 3 months before it becomes claggy, so I will need 4 bottles per year. 4x21.87=$87.48. 87.48/52=$1.68 per week.
Aside from combs, brushes, hairbands, scissors, baby wipes, cotton buds, mirrors, electricity, hot water and all the other tools, the total cost for me to have a full head of hair is
US$18.09 per week.
That's about sixty bucks per disposable hair piece every three weeks - yes I throw them out or chuck 'em in a box - they can be reused if I get desperate.
For any other questions, please ask each other or see other video comments. I've answered most questions already in other threads ;)


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This is my current hair status. Too much, to go with a full hairsystem I think. Finarestid is not doing me any good and I feel bad on it. So a hair transplant is no option, cause in few years my top hair will also thin. A hair transplant without finasteride in my age (25) is bullshit. So i thought about a frontal piece. I dont want to show my hairline ( I never liked it).

Certainly can be solved with a buzz cut, that's not bad at all.

Conpaired to mine....
Currently the sides/back are like that to blend with the hair system. Otherwise would shave it bald.

Looks like absolete shite like this, wearing beanies to hide it till I get my hair system back on.


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And after when I had my hair system on.
Hides my HUGE forehead and head which I hate seeing.


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