Hi, my general question is. Why doesn´t the majority in this forum just go for a hairpiece?
My person
I am thinking about quiting finasteride and minoxidil and just go for a piece. I am early with finasteride and it is likely it will help my hair, but I am very scared of side. Especially of brain fog ( Inteligence is all I have and what is giving me a huge advantage in life), fat loss or distribution in face (I am 25, but sometimes look like 16) and gyno (I always had gyno, finasteride already worsened it a bit for me. But like it is now, i could easily live with it) but the other possible sides are driving me crazy.
My thoughts
First: I have (but not at the front) thic dark hair, that is looking very silver under light.
This are my actual thoughts about hairpieces. Please comment them or correct them if I am wrong.
1.--price-- I am living in Germany, after what I read 1000€ / year for the hairpieces would be enough (I whould order them for 250-350€ each piece (french lace) and glue and so on at home by myself [The first time in studio, so the first year would be about 1000€]
2.--look-- Hairpieces, if you follow simple rules (personal density, good quality, good maintaining) are nearly undetectable.
3.--reactions-- I would be open about the hairpiece. Cause if it is good, than what people will critisize? "He looks good, but his hair is fake" ->This is ridiculous. If it looks good, it doesn´t matter whether fake or not (f.e teeth).
4.--Sport-- I will only go 3 times a weak in a gym or mabye doing some running. I think that is no problem. I dont like swimming, just staying i warm water. SO my head would not get wet.
5.--daily life-- I am not planing to go hiking for 2 weeks or sth similiar, so I don´t see a problem.
6.--summersun-- I heard, the hairpiece will loose colour when too much in sun. SO in sun, wearing a hat is a solution or am i wrong?
7.--holiday-- I will only go for holiday, if I have a gf again. And I will be open. SO maybe I would go even without the piece on holiday. Problem solved.
8.--crowd-- cause an inteligent chosen hairpiece is undecteable, people in crowd would think it is my real hair. Is that right?
9.--chaning-- If I don´t have a bad headskin, i could wear a hairpice at least 5 days without removing it? AM I right?
10--time-- The time for maintaining my hairpice will not take more than 5 hours a week, am i right?
11--rollecoaster.. Is it possible with hairpice?
12--cutting-- I am cutting my hair lusing a shaver (2,5cm). Can I cut the hairpice just in the same way? If not, why?
So this is all for now. I am curios for you answers
My person
I am thinking about quiting finasteride and minoxidil and just go for a piece. I am early with finasteride and it is likely it will help my hair, but I am very scared of side. Especially of brain fog ( Inteligence is all I have and what is giving me a huge advantage in life), fat loss or distribution in face (I am 25, but sometimes look like 16) and gyno (I always had gyno, finasteride already worsened it a bit for me. But like it is now, i could easily live with it) but the other possible sides are driving me crazy.
My thoughts
First: I have (but not at the front) thic dark hair, that is looking very silver under light.
This are my actual thoughts about hairpieces. Please comment them or correct them if I am wrong.
1.--price-- I am living in Germany, after what I read 1000€ / year for the hairpieces would be enough (I whould order them for 250-350€ each piece (french lace) and glue and so on at home by myself [The first time in studio, so the first year would be about 1000€]
2.--look-- Hairpieces, if you follow simple rules (personal density, good quality, good maintaining) are nearly undetectable.
3.--reactions-- I would be open about the hairpiece. Cause if it is good, than what people will critisize? "He looks good, but his hair is fake" ->This is ridiculous. If it looks good, it doesn´t matter whether fake or not (f.e teeth).
4.--Sport-- I will only go 3 times a weak in a gym or mabye doing some running. I think that is no problem. I dont like swimming, just staying i warm water. SO my head would not get wet.
5.--daily life-- I am not planing to go hiking for 2 weeks or sth similiar, so I don´t see a problem.
6.--summersun-- I heard, the hairpiece will loose colour when too much in sun. SO in sun, wearing a hat is a solution or am i wrong?
7.--holiday-- I will only go for holiday, if I have a gf again. And I will be open. SO maybe I would go even without the piece on holiday. Problem solved.
8.--crowd-- cause an inteligent chosen hairpiece is undecteable, people in crowd would think it is my real hair. Is that right?
9.--chaning-- If I don´t have a bad headskin, i could wear a hairpice at least 5 days without removing it? AM I right?
10--time-- The time for maintaining my hairpice will not take more than 5 hours a week, am i right?
11--rollecoaster.. Is it possible with hairpice?
12--cutting-- I am cutting my hair lusing a shaver (2,5cm). Can I cut the hairpice just in the same way? If not, why?
So this is all for now. I am curios for you answers
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