generic cipila finasteride??


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hey guys. i recently started on the generic finasteride that you can find on this site. i was just wondering if anyone has had any luck with it or if i should just spend teh extra for the real stuff??

Bone Daddy

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Been on fincar for a lil over a month, results are... inconclusive at this point.


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It seems like people are having decent results with it, judging from the mention on this site. also links to an online source for it so I would assume it's trusted.

..and I hope so... I just popped my first pill of it today.



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i hope that it is trusted too. i have been taking it for almost 3 months now with really nothing happening yet. i will probably stick with it untill month six or so and if nothing then i will switch over to the real stuff. i found a site that sells the actual generic merck brand propecia manufactured by msd, $89 fir a three monthd supply/90 tablets. here is teh site let me know what you think...


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also, is anyone having any luck with proscar? i noticed that you can get it pretty cheap but the pill cutting just seems wierd to me.

Green Soap

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I'm using Cipla finasteride.

So far, about week three my head got all greasy and shiny and about week 4 my dick took a dive.

Yup, it's the real stuff.


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yeah i noticed that my scalp has been more greasy than usual for about the past month too..? no sexual side effects though, i guess i am one of the lucky ones. keep me posted on any results you see.

Bone Daddy

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Like I said over 4 weeks here.

I've had odd sexual ups/downs
I've had eyebrow/eyelash shedding
Arm hair isn't as thick.
Shed a little more in the shower.
Face is less oily
beard grows a lil slower
I've gotten slightly denser?
Rashes of odd pimples

I'm not sure on all this though, I'm worried it's all in my head. And some of this I dont know if I had before or not, and some seems normal (pre-finasteride) I didnt worry so much until everyone started talking about fake finasteride being passed around. Now I'm downright worried. I might switch to regular propecia soon. I have to do something.


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Bone Daddy said:
I didnt worry so much until everyone started talking about fake finasteride being passed around. Now I'm downright worried. I might switch to regular propecia soon. I have to do something.

Well, if it's actually Cipla, then it's not "fake finasteride". I think it more or less matters where you buy it from. That's why I chose the online site that hairlosstalk links to...

Bone Daddy

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I didnt mean "fake finasteride" as in fincar or finpecia was crap. I meant that some people say that fincar and finpecia are counterfeited all the time.

Mine looks totally legit, I guess I'm panicing.

I got mine from 4-corners online pharmacy, shipped out of the UK.

I just wish I knew it was doing something, because everytime I think it is, somebody convinces me that I'm just imagining it.


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i got mt finasteride from teh same place, its super cheap! thats teh thing though why so cheap? i have compared my finasteride to the pics on this site and every other site out their and it looks 100% legit. i did find this site that sells merck manufactured propecia. i might give it a try, yes its twice the price but i think it will keep from driving myself crazy always wondering if i am taking a legit pill or not...


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cess150 said:
i got mt finasteride from teh same place, its super cheap! thats teh thing though why so cheap?

...because it's generic. Generics are always the cheaper alternative to name brand products. Otherwise, what would be the point of having a generic? :D

Free Bird

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I read on one of the pharmacy sites where at the first of the year, India is bringing their patent laws in line with the rest of the world. Cipla simply using a "different manufacturing process" to produce the same drug may not cut it then. That's one reason why I bought a years supply. For you guys who don't mind using Cipla products, you may want to get your orders in soon.

Anyone have the scoop on this?