Generic finasteride Users Please Read


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Recently, I ran out of my Merck finasteride supply and my doctor was away so I used the stash of generic finasteride made by cipla for approx 18 days. I took the 1 mg dose every morning and to my surprise, I felt as if my sex drive increased and I developed very strange acne for the first time in my life. Now, the increased sex drive could all be psychosymatic by I doubt it. It is indicative that the generic finasteride was not real because it did not reduce my sex drive like merck finasteride.
The acne is an entirely differenet issue and really the most important part of this post. I have not really got zits of any kind for years and all of the sudden I get this deep awful acne which was focused on the outside of both my cheek bones. This acne was very different from the small amount of zits that I had when going through puberty in high school. It appeared to be deeper in the skin and lasted much longer then what I (and most everyone) suffered through in high school.
For the past few weeks I refilled my merck finasteride script and the acne has dissappeared. I think there was an additive in the Cipla finasteride that caused me breakouts or some sort of alergic reaction. If anyone has any questions or comments please post them. Thanks


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? You're crazy. Stop attributing every change to a change in brand name. Perhaps the finasteride was older and therefore less potent, or perhaps something else caused your zits.

Whatever it was it does not warrant you spreading paranoia here. People in this situation have enough to worry about without people like you adding to their worries. I am on cipla fincar and I can assure you that the stuff is real. I got limpish for a couple of weeks and then went back to normal a few weeks later. My shedding seems to be back to pre male pattern baldness levels. And the best result so far is that I am no longer paranoid and am actually getting patient. I suggest you try that approach yourself.


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You don't even know me and have not seen my posts and are far more idiotic in your response then my original post.
Acne and finasteride association has been talked about on this website alot and as this is a "discussion forum" and not a "finasteride (especially cipla) is the greatest thing in every way and if you question it then you are an idiot" forum, my voice will be heard. Personally I think cipla finasteride has real finasteride components, but absolutely no one has proved that it is the real thing.
I have been on merck finasteride for approx. 6 months and could not be happier with the results. I also know far more about finasteride then you and understand that cipla produces its finasteride with no patent restrictions, in a way that is different then the original drug developer and with almost zero regulations. For those reasons alone, one must question if it is the same as the original developers product. Of course Cipla is a very large drug producer and it would seem that they would be taking a huge risk if they were producing poor medication. But we have obviously seen that $$ is sometimes far more important then ethics in big business.
I said it clearly that my side effect issues (or lack there of) with cipla finasteride could be psychosymatic and I will add that the short period I took cipla finasteride is not a good gauge of its effectiveness, but it is certainly a good gauge when we are discussing obvious physical effects like acne. However, as I have remained rational on finasteride use and also pay close attention to my body, you fail to grasp the idea that I took a pill and shortly there after suffered through the worst acne of my life and once I stopped the pill the acne stopped. Not to mention that I have got just a handful of zits in the 7 years since I completed puberty and got approx 15-20 pimples in the time (approx 18 days) I was on cipla finasteride.
Ever consider that one of the many additives used to produce cipla finasteride may have an alergic reaction with me (and potential others) and not you? Is it not valuable for me to bring up my experience as I actually have a good gauge in that I had been on merck finasteride for some time and had no acne reaction, switiched to cipla and had a reaction, then finally went back to merck and things were fine?
Why would I bring this up to begin with? I could careless about merck as I am screwing them by buying proscar at $20 for 30-5 mg pills. Next time actually think and ask questions before blasting your mouth off pal.
Your reaction is just as dangerous and irresponsible as those who freak out and invent side effects because you are just ignorant. Not to mention that you seem to be rationalizing and convincing yourself of cipla's effectiveness.
To my original point, if other have experienced the same thing as me I would like to hear about and let others know that "maybe" there is a connection between cipla finasteride use and acne for "some" people who take.


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I am on cipla (india) for 9 months and it is working, Other people around me report an improvement in my hair and i notice it too......I didnt have any acne breakouts on cipla but only reduced sex drive for the first few weeks....Then it all just disappeared and my body got adjust to it....No doubt Cipla contains the active ingredient, if then how will u explain my loss of sex drive and limp dick for the first few weeks?

Apart fromt hat one of my uncles (passed me the cipla) had been using it for 2 years and he had 80-90% regrowth of pre- male pattern baldness levels...

Have u wondered the particular cipla u had could have been a fake?
I dont know but sure mine is the real thing.....If u bought yr cipla from mexico or Brazil, it could have been a fake....Both Generics and patented stuff have fakes...That's a fact u need to b reminded of....


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If the pills are fake they're probably a harmless sugar placebo. If they're real generics from a reputable lab in India, then they're just as good as what's available in America. So I would worry more about the source of the pills than the actual manufacturer.