GEORGE COTSARELIS Patent issued August 6th 2015


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So Cotsarelis filed for a new patent 3/10/2014 and it was granted on 6/8/15. From reading it you can tell that he has basically put all of his work together and it's essentially just a huge mashup of everything haha.

I guess it will be interesting what goes on from here and hopefully we won't get such generic email replies now! I read about this on that website so hopefully they have managed to get into contact with him regarding this very patent. Another good thing to point out is... 'This invention was made in whole or in part with government support under Grant Number NIH/NIAMS AR46837, awarded by the National Institutes of Health. The United States government may have certain rights in the invention'. So it atleast sounds like he's got himself some funding/promising results.


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I agree patents are stupid in general. Being able to say you own some idea even if someone else independently arrived at that same thing is pretty silly.
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patent trolls are complete ****s, as are the a**h** big corporations who don't give idea guys a FAIR deal. Everyone in academia is out to either coast along on tenure or make a NAME for themselves, very few actually care about the stuff they are researching on a altruistic level. The amount of bureaucracy that slows down research is disgusting, people are dying of cancer, suffering from locked in syndrome or dementia while someone makes sure he gets money from someone else's work. If they are apathetic for such conditions it makes sense they are even worse for something like baldness where more money is at stake and it is viewed as non-serious by privileged fullheads.