george's story


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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :shock:
Hello! my name is George. But let me get to the point...... I started losing hair about 4 years ago. It has been thinning but not receding. My wife reckons that its all in my head and that my hair is normal. I still have all my hair but it is getting thinner by the day So I'm probably looking at about 7-8 years until its all bald! Naturally my hair was very thick and wavy as so was my fathers, who is now totally bald.
now my hair is less wavy and under bright light my scalp shows.
NOW THE IMPORATANT PART........ about six months ago i bought a weight training supplement called NITRIX OXIDE by BSN. I had 3 months supply and during the middle and the end of the course my hair totally stopped falling and also, it got so thick that I had problems styling it. A friend after seeing me after a long time commented on how thicker my hair looks!
At the time I didnt know what is the cause of my hair regrowth. But the day the NITRIX OXIDE ran out a day or 2 later my hair started falling again and within 2-3 months the thickness had gone. At the time of taking NITRIX OXIDE I was using anabolic steroids, which causes severe hair loss. But, this wasnt the case........ because of coming to the conclusion that it was the NITRIX OXIDE that stopped the hair loss.
The only other thing I've used is herbal remedies but no luck.
So, its back to the NITRIX OXIDE. I'll let you know how I get on!!
There is not much info on the net and all the hair clinics are not taking me seriously. But I have read some info on that there is some connection with NITRIX OXIDE AND HAIR REGROWTH. If anyone has any info please email me.
Also, if it was the NITRIX OXIDE that made my hair grow back then the results were very quick and dramatic!!
P.S. Nitrix oxide is legal and can be purchased from many gyms and good health shops.


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Please provide us with a link to the place where you read that there is a connection between the product and hairloss. :roll:


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Cannot remember waht the actual wbsite was but type in google's main page....... nitric oxide and hair loss. You should find info but it will be limited.
by the way what is NoNo product?


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:lol: Seems that I'm already taking that nitric oxide or at least some equivalent through Proxiphen. I found nitric oxide mentioned in a article by the inventor of Proxiphen, Dr. Proctor.

Seems like nitric oxide is some kind of SOD which is a part of Proxiphen. But you took it systemically?


Notice how NITRIX OXIDE is always capitalized, and he made a brand specific reference.
Also this quote makes me wonder: "Also, if it was the NITRIX OXIDE that made my hair grow back then the results were very quick and dramatic!!"
If he was really suffering from male pattern baldness and the, Nitrix Oxide relieved it, it wouldve taken at least 6 months to see results like "super thick hair" (mind you from hair that was so thin his scalp was visible only 40 days before the nitrix oxide usage) like any real treatment.
This is the best part of his post: "NOW THE IMPORATANT PART........ about six months ago i bought a weight training supplement called NITRIX OXIDE by BSN. I had 3 months supply and during the middle and the end of the course my hair totally stopped falling and also, it got so thick that I had problems styling it." :p


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I thought it looked a bit fishy?


Hmm... a bodybuilder who can't spell Nano correctly ... could it be possible? :D


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1st i would like to say is that i have no link with any supplement compony. the reason i mentioned the firm name was because there r many products out there in the body building scene and each firm varies there ingredients. i do not know if it was the nitric oxide or the other ingredients in the product which was responsible 4 the good side effect. each company has its own control release ingredient. so i mentioned the company name so some one may tell me if it is the nitric oxide or the other ingredients init r responsible.2nd point my hair loss was very very minimal if i asked some one in the street if iwas losing hair they would probably laugh. only i could notice my hair loss like isaid even my wife cannot really noticemy hair loss. so my hair loss is in the very early stages. natruraly my hair is very coarse and wavy. and i am not receding. your right it may not be male pattern baldness but something is causing my har 2 thin. also mu father is bald my mothers hair is thinning all my uncles r bald even my younger brother is starting 2 go bald. my hair is still very thick so iassume any good treatment should work quite work on me. bsn is an american firm and ilive inthe uk. as far as iknow there products r not in uk yet. i even rang bsn to see if they had any other reports of this favorable side effect. they did not and they were very suprised that this had happend. i know it sounds 2 good 2 b true but that is what happend. iwould really like any more info on this issue like i said i contacted 3 well known hair clinics if they knew of links with male pattern baldness and no2. they said it is the 1st they heard of it. and minoxidil and finasteride were found accidently 2 help male pattern baldness. i am tying 2 find info but its very hard but i will try and find the links iread on the net about no2 and hair loss. as soon as ifind any links i will let u know.


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Not to come across as annoying, cold and a*** retentive but i am so, why don't you do something about your poor grammer. Paragraphs...ever heard of them? Your message was like a giant text message. Hard to read, meaning less people will.

Since your first message you seem to have forgotten paragraphs and totally changed writing style...What's up George? - You had a knock on the head... maybe its all that NITRX OXIDE from BSN you have been taking?


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bartman654 said:
Notice how NITRIX OXIDE is always capitalized, and he made a brand specific reference.
Also this quote makes me wonder: "Also, if it was the NITRIX OXIDE that made my hair grow back then the results were very quick and dramatic!!"
If he was really suffering from male pattern baldness and the, Nitrix Oxide relieved it, it wouldve taken at least 6 months to see results like "super thick hair" (mind you from hair that was so thin his scalp was visible only 40 days before the nitrix oxide usage) like any real treatment.
This is the best part of his post: "NOW THE IMPORATANT PART........ about six months ago i bought a weight training supplement called NITRIX OXIDE by BSN. I had 3 months supply and during the middle and the end of the course my hair totally stopped falling and also, it got so thick that I had problems styling it." :p

I disagree with you assumptions. Within the 1st 30 days of taking Avodart, I was able to notice MANY new small hairs in my temples. Even my crown appeared thicker at that time. So to assume he could not see the results in that amount of time is baseless.


ever here the phrase goin from glass half empty to glass half full?
This is most likely going on with you as you started convincing urself its working so u see "NEW" hairs popping out ALL OVER THA PLACE! Its exciting till you realize its a big mind f***,
Any real treatment will take AT LEAST THREE MONTHS to see any cosmetically noticeable difference.
BEst of luck to you and Your HAir lOss regime.


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bartman654 said:
ever here the phrase goin from glass half empty to glass half full?
This is most likely going on with you as you started convincing urself its working so u see "NEW" hairs popping out ALL OVER THA PLACE! Its exciting till you realize its a big mind f***,
Any real treatment will take AT LEAST THREE MONTHS to see any cosmetically noticeable difference.
BEst of luck to you and Your HAir lOss regime.

Pics don't lie and neither do the people who asked me if I had something done (assuming I had transplants). The same hairs that were visible in the temple areas are now thicker and an inch long (still shorter then the rest of the hair that was already there). This "mind F**K" as you call it is kind of hard to write off with these hairs now at this length :roll: :roll: .

God forbid anyone on this site that actually finds something that works for them.


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I think I speak for everyone here when I say that nobody is trying to bring you down DaveM03 - and that we are all happy that your treatments are working for you.

But what Bartman is trying to say is that it IS impossible to see new growth from treatments within one months use because of your hair's natural growth cycle.

As a rule, a month isn't sufficient time to evaluate the effects of any medication for treating male pattern baldness. Any treatment requires at least the length of the telogen phase (~100 days) to see thicker hair.

Yes, you might see tons of new hairs but they would not have been caused by your treatment but most likely they were already brought into action before you introduced Advodart into your system.


Thanx for the confirmation PTninja. Im hust tryin to help people who sound like their in the same boat as i was. Becuz i thought the same thing as him when i was a month into the treatment, could swear i saw new hairs evrywhere and when i realized it wasnt so, it was a big letdown to me and made me depresed a but and i m just tryinto help people understand that treatments work in a cyclical nature. One day you think things could be terrific and the very next day you'll think you have lost 25% of your hair, when it is really all in your mind Dave MO3. Just stick out the treatment for a year then decide if its benifiting you. Again keep ur mind strong and Best of Luck in this battle we are all part of


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Here is just a few pics. Hair was about the same length.

1st set was Sept 25th of 2004.
2nd set was less than 2.5 months later.

I started Avodart on Oct 6 of 2004 and threw away finasteride after 5 years of no results.

DON'T tell me that with this change in 75 days or so, that I could not see an improvement by 30 days!! Not only did my temples fill in substantially, but you can see the overall thickness and health of the hair has improved as well.

Look, not looking for a fight. All I'm saying is that, at least in some cases, it is possible to see results faster than one would think. And if someone like George did see results, EVERYBODY should not assume he's lying!

--Sure hope this link works! ... /my_photos


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bartman654 said:
YOur hair got longer

So you're telling me that if you open up pic #2 and then (in a sperate window) pic #3, and put them side by side, that the only difference is hair length?

Well then guys, Bartman654 has the answer to cover up your thinning hair. Just grow it longer :roll: :roll:

I thought the shorter the hair, the less you will notice thinning..

Next haircut, I'll post more pics right away while it's very short. Of course I'm sure that the lighting (or something) will be a new reason for Bartman not to believe.
