German company that specializes in botox therapy for stress alopecia (androgenetic al


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Recent research shows important correlations, backgrounds, and effective treatment options for hereditary hair loss and Trichodynia ("hair pain"; spreads, burning, tingling of the scalp).

Hereditary hair loss due to stress / hair loss due to stress

Hereditary hair loss occurs rarely evenly on the entire skull.

He usually begins in the forehead, the crown or in the occiput and extends then to a course always the same pattern on the skull roof. The hair just above the ears and at the back of the head almost always remain up to an advanced age (donor area).

For this limited occurrence of hereditary hair loss of the scalp muscle tension are usually responsible, running ring shape the entire upper scalp.

When stress and tension this flat muscle groups that run under the scalp, are tense. The scalp is stretched taut over muscles together with the skull. In the end she lies in folds.

The fine blood vessels, which run under the scalp are pressed together. The blood flow is reduced in the region of the apex, the forehead and the back of the head by up to 60% (compared with subjects who had no alopecia). The oxygen supply to the hair roots is reduced by about 40 - 50%. The biochemical processes in the hair roots can not drain completely from lack of oxygen.

The androgenic hormone DHT accumulates in the affected hair follicles. These hair roots callus with DHT and degenerate. First they remain in the so-called resting phase and no longer produce hair. Eventually they die. In the affected scalp areas created androgenetic alopecia. This type of hair loss is called voltage hair loss.

Often goes with this hair loss tensioning, burning, tingling, itching, or tingling of the scalp accompanied tense, called Trichodynia ("hair pain"). The reason for this is unfortunately initially sought by many specialists on the scalp itself (fungi, et al). The relevant research has shown, however, almost never a finding. Responsible i.d.R. the tense and often "acidified" scalp muscles. Trichodynia can be resolved by the appropriate treatment quickly.

The AC therapy helps opted for hair loss

Stress hair loss (alopecia Contentionalis) should always be treated directly to its cause, the strain of the scalp muscles. This often permanently tense scalp muscles need to be genuinely relaxed by appropriate measures again.

The most direct and fastest the drug for hair loss and muscle relaxation Trichodynia (itchy scalp, burning, painful scalp) acts. The specialist thereby relaxing the tensed muscles with the help of a locally acting muscle relaxant. The drug is injected using a thin needle directly into the tense muscles. The products used are known for decades in medicine and extremely useful. They are distributed in muscle tissue and inhibit the transmission of signals between nerve and muscle stimulation (at the synapses).

Its relaxing effect already within a few days. The tension, burning, tingling and itching of the scalp can be resolved within about a week. The stress-related hair loss can be stopped within a few weeks. Already precipitated hair can grow back.

The effect of a treatment session covers about half a year. The treatment should be repeated two or three times at intervals of about half a year, so that a continuous effect can be achieved.

Besides this, further, very long-term treatments such as autogenic training and biofeedback available. These methods can be learned from the specialist physician and must be performed daily very disciplined after the investigation. However, they require a patient to a pronounced effect (1/2 year or longer).

Another effective method to relax the scalp - and thus effective against alopecia - is the use of the scalp tension relaxer (STR). This remedy for hair loss has been developed by a Japanese research team and successfully tested in a clinical study. It acts by mechanical / pneumatic discharge of the head muscles.

More links from the current research on hereditary hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) / stress hair loss (alopecia Contentionalis).

What to receding hairline / baldness do receding hairline

Explanation of "receding hairline", "thinker's brow" and tonsure:

Research on stress hair loss (alopecia Contentionalis) was the first time provide a consistent model of explanation for why alopecia begins in most cases in the area of ​​the temples and top of the head. In addition, explain the research results, which is why the hair loss and the resulting baldness usually limited only to the area of ​​the cranial vault. A fringe of hair around the back of the head is not the scalp voltage and up to an advanced age without hair loss.
Receding hairlines are visible faster and more frequently in women than in men.

The bigger they are, the more difficult the topic hairstyle decorated with a receding hairline.

Hormones and hair loss in men from the middle 20

Men have an approximately 14-fold higher testosterone and DHT levels so than women. Therefore (voltage) Hair loss in men numerically (14 million to 3 million) represented more frequently than women. In men, alopecia usually develops from the age 25-30 years, often depending upon the onset of occupational stress and tension. At the same time, in about the chest hair developed by the hormonal maturity, at the same time the hair of the head is prevented by blood, oxygen and nutrient deficiency on growth. From about mid-50's, the process of hair loss slows again. Then the value of DHT in the blood slowly takes off again.
Due to the hormonal disposition hair loss in men was often treated through the use of hormones for hair loss (lowering DHT levels) in the past.

Hair loss in women - before menopause

Women have significantly lower DHT value. DHT is also bound by binding proteins. The keratinization of hair follicles and their degeneration are significantly weaker. Before menopause, the hair can be increasingly clear by excessive stress. In addition to one-third of all women who seek out hair consultations, still itching, burning and pain of the scalp (see Trichodynia)

Hair loss in women after menopause, menopausal symptoms

After menopause, estrogen levels drop in women. The binding proteins are reduced, the DHT can act freely and can be amplified and women accumulate in the hair root. Again, with the consequence of increased hair loss in women in areas with increased muscle tension. Alopecia belongs - in hereditary disposition - thus the typical menopausal symptoms that can be treated but targeted reported with the AC therapy.

The typical symptoms of hair loss
Typically, this type of hair loss begins in the region of highest
Scalp voltage, which is in the area of ​​the forehead ("thinker's brow"), the apex
("Receding hairline") and rear ("tonsure").

The forehead is often tense and form wrinkles. Are part of these folds
already impressed.

The hair loss often starts in phases of high levels of stress or strong

With strong tension takes the "Zornesader" on the temple forth.

With strong and many sufferers can often strain a clear
"Tightness" or a "burning, tingling or tightening" on the scalp
feel (Trichodynia).

The study on stress hair loss

This type of hair loss can be limited by a specialist with a so-called EMG measurement. In this case, adhesive electrodes are attached to the scalp and measuring the muscle tension. The EMG measurement is also used to establish objectively the causes of Trichodynia.


The following are some methods and approaches will be discussed, which are sent in the fight against hair loss in the field.

Can Apart from the cause-oriented AC therapy, the hereditary hair loss (usually triggered by stress) to fight effectively to be extensively demonstrated methods and remedies for hair loss.

Whenever hair loss plagues you with the following basic tips for hair loss, you are always a good choice and you can also apply:
Protect your scalp. Expose it to additional mechanical (ponytail, hats, etc.) or chemical (color, curls) loads from

Wash your hair with quality and moisturizing care products that do not dry out and damage the scalp

Comb out gently, preferably with natural bristles that do not cause minimal injury to the head.
Also over-head brush or comb is useful: the scalp can easily relax for a short time, the blood circulation is stimulated.

Give away and a head massage, whether by the partner, the hairdresser or beauty salon. The feel-good factor that triggers such a massage is not only relaxing the scalp, but leads to a sustained improvement in sentiment.

Do you exercise. In moderation, not operated as a competitive sport, any physical activity is the reduction of adrenaline, the stress distributed through the body "drive" hormone. Thus you are able to definitely some relaxation, what beneficial effect on the whole body.

Other approaches:

Nutrition and Vitamins

In the area of ​​nutrition that will be effective against alopecia, is reported in various forums and portals, as well innumerable companies advertise on your websites with high effectiveness of your food for hair loss.
Basically indisputable is the fact that an optimal and full of nutrients, which also arrives at the hair root, is necessary for healthy hair growth. However, this nutrient is disturbed (see Voltage Hair Loss - Cause), can also be a healthy and wholesome food pose no help against hair loss.
In addition to our everyday dishes make to actively help against hair loss in addition to active ingredients such as vitamins, especially zinc and biotin.

Are discussed in this environment around the alopecia also theories that tell a disturbed balance of acids or bases which attribute special significance to the amino acids for hair loss.

Hair loss home remedies and natural resources (vegetable)

Hair loss and the consideration of what could be the best hair loss accompanied humans for millennia. One of the first discoveries of recipes already include hair loss remedies.

As long as the history of this struggle, as long as the list of agents that have been used in this fight and be and where effectiveness is said baldness.

In the teas that are beneficial impact on a troubled hair care system, such as are Decoction of nettles, Bockshorntee, herbal tea (eg horsetail) or green tea listed against hair loss.
In addition, the saw palmetto, salt, onion and yeast are attested effectiveness.
And the miracle is called bulb of garlic as a remedy for hair loss.
Beer, cider vinegar, ginger and black cohosh should contain ingredients that positively and negatively affect hair growth against alopecia.

Often are also essential oils, for example Tea tree oil, olive oil or lavender tinctures used as a natural remedy for hair loss.
Medical point of view can not exclude positive influences in individual cases, but a verifiable action figure is calculated not as a rule.


Of course also offers homeopathy approaches to hair loss.

Used are diverse, tailored to the affected combinations of globules against hair loss (often in the context of a constitutional treatment). Choosing the right hair loss remedies should it be accompanied by an experienced homeopath. This can be particularly aimed at temporary deficiency or mood-related problems, and thus the risk for hair loss.
Causal research is essential in order to decide here can whether homeopathy can offer a help against hair loss or whether other cause-oriented therapies are useful and necessary.

Besides the classical homeopathy treatment with cell salts for hair loss a priority for the natural resources.
Again, imbalances of essential substances (certain salts, teaching by Schuessler) are compensated by taking these substances and to prevent malfunction (such as diseases, immunodeficiencies, loss of hair) of the body remedy.

Medicines for hair loss

Here, in the broadest sense to mention three drugs that are currently prescribed for hair loss:
The drug reduced the DHT-free deposits and so to protect against the inherited sensitivity to DHT, the hair roots.

This is known from the blood pressure lowering drug to dilate the blood capillaries in the scalp.

Often cortisone treatments are implemented directly on / in the scalp to stop possible inflammatory processes

In a study conducted by Stiftung Warentest in hair loss is, however, shown that the effect of the first two treatment approaches rarely leads to cosmetically visible results.

Alternative methods

Here are a few more, roughly outlined methods and procedures are given, which are for hair loss in men and women use. In general, all mentioned methods to combat the symptom and not the cause-elimination put on. Therefore, none of these methods has been able to establish.
the Chinese healing method is based on the energy meridians in the body. Each disease is interpreted as a disturbance of the energy flows in the body, which should be brought by the punctures fine needles at specific acupuncture points back to their natural order.

Mesotherapy is a treatment that can be injected in the counter medications, vitamins, nutrients, enzymes, or so-called "botanicals" with very fine needles into the middle (meso) layer of skin. When Mesotherapy active agents are transported directly to the destination.

Stem Cells:
This approach assumes that dead hair roots can be replaced by transplantation of hair follicle stem cells, from which hairs grow again.

According to Ayurveda, a balanced diet, the foundation stone for our health. The food provides us with the correct compilation optimal conditions for healthy hair, skin and