Get spots/acne?


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I do, and have done pretty much non stop since I was 14/15. I've tried everything short of roaccutane (sp). Clearisil, Pro Actice, various anti biotics etc. With varying degrees of success but in winter my skin gets bad (I think due to lack of UV light which kills bacteria).

Anyway, I've started taking fish oil, which also contained Evening Primrose oil and olive oil (Omega 3,6,9 oils) as I heard this was good for hair - Not to mention concentration and other things.

And since then, I haven't had a fresh spot since! It's still early days - Only been using it for less than a week, but it's 6 pounds for a two month supply from Boots so if you have spots, you may want to give it a shot. Existing spots seem to be healing too.

Evening Primrose Oil apprently helps maintain hormone balance - and I believe it's this imbalance and excess oil of face which causes acne.


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It's just listed as 'Fish Oil'. Exact ingredients read.

Fish Oil 279mg -> Containing Omega 3 Fatty Acids 180mg

Olive Oil 146mg -> Containing Omega 9 Fatty Acids 90mg

Evening Primrose Oil 122mg -> Containing Omega 6 fatty Acids 90mg


Established Member
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Cool. Thanks for typing all that. I've seen salmon oil and other stuff before.