Getting an hair transplant in FL any doctors you can recomend?


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After 15 years of battle my hairline is starting to go bad... so I have desided to get a neograft FUT transplant to restore it.

I have been reading about Dr. Bauman un Boca FL, but would love to hear more from people here.

I do not care if I have to spend a lot of money I JUST WANT THE BEST doctor out there. It does not have to be en FL... I can travel to where he is.

Any recommendations?

Thanks a lot!



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dr hirsh in sarasota does neograft

his technician has been doing fut for 15 years
and fue for about 3 years


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I live in Florida and although there a few good surgeons here, I have chosen Dr Ron Shapiro in Minnesota as my doctor of choice for a hair transplant. My advice is to look at plenty of before and after shots before you make a decision on who you want to touch your scalp. Dr Shapiro's post op pictures after just one day are so "clean" looking. He is truly an artist. He has an outstanding staff and surgical team as well. He does both strip and FUE and does not charge a huge difference on either procedure. He does not make you shave your recipient area unless its a very large transplant. All these are important factors to consider when you finally decide to go to someone. I like Rahal's work but he does not offer FUE and he likes to shave. Feller is very good but I still think Shapiro has a slight edge over him. And finally, Hasson and Wong are very talented but only offer strip. If I was only getting strip, I would be torn between Shapiro and Rahal. Both do excellent hairlines. However, I watched Dr Shapiro interview on youtube and I feel a "connection" with his goals for his patients and just how he "carries himself" as a professional. No matter what recommendations people offer, you have to do extensive research before you finally pick someone who you feel would be your best "connection".


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Wow, Thanks so much!

I had an appointment with Bauman that I am not going to anymore. He is very good with promoting himself on-line but what he needs to understand is that social media will destroy him if he does not deliver good results.

I am going to look into other doctors as I do no care for traveling. I do not think I need more that 2000 graft because I ha a lot of hair... the only thing is that my hairline is starting to look bad because of some scars and also my crown is thining a bit.

I read about Shapiro somewhere else. What is is website?

Thanks a lot!
