Getting bad...


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I'm 23, and most likely suffer from male pattern baldness. My sides are nice and thick but within the last 6 months, coincidentally, 3 months after I started rogaine and finasteride (9 months total on rogaine, and then about 1 month on finasteride...I had a huge break because I wanted to donate blood), the top and crown have been thinning so bad I can clearly see my scalp if I stand under a light. Shaving is not an option because I don't have a 'nice' I have a big head. I am sincerely hoping that the rogaine and finasteride are just doing their respective thing and bringing forth new hair. I can cover up the fact it's thinning by way of grooming, but not as good as I would want, and I can't do it forever.

Please, for the love of all that is sacred...tell me that this is completely normal with the 2 products and if I grin and bear it for another 6-12 months, I will laugh at this whole mess? I am scared to absolute death that since starting the 2, I have essentially fxcked myself in the long run.



in the long run you can only benefit from these two products, but you have to take them as long as you want to keep your hair. Missing like one week is not a big deal, but skipping them for like one month is really critical. Rogaine and Propecia aren´t a cure, but a treatment!


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There is no gauranteed treatment.


Exactly like s.a.f. said, there is no guaranteed treatments yet. If you will drop them, you'll most likely go bald but if you carry on, you still got a chance. Some ppl are just slower responders, you might be one.

About the big head, look at my avatar for a really big head! Despite the size of my head, I'm getting over this hairloss trauma and I am ready to carry on with my life. I was devastated a year ago...


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how long did you stop for?


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I stopped around April-May, and just started back up again close to the end of August. I am waiting for my Fincar from UP...I love slow shipping.

The thinning is seriously getting bad. It is freaking me out horribly, and depressing even more.

I'll take a pic later to show the awesome span of my mammoth head :)