Getting big on finasteride

The Rock

Established Member
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Is there any evidence that using finasteride will not allow you to gain muscle as quickly......if so that just mean's ill work harder....and i dont wanna act as if it does would rahter just know.....any info on it?


Senior Member
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I heard quite the opposite...that it can help to bulk up. Sorry, don't know anymore than it on a bodybuilding forum so take it with a pinch


Established Member
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I've been lifting weights for the past 6 years or so. Since starting finasteride i've certainly bulked up and gained a little wieght, not so much muscular though, my strength hasnt spiked up any noticable bit from it either. I don't think I've gotten weaker though... either way, it's not gona make you into a feeble man-woman, if it makes gaining muscle harder, it's certainly not a significant amount.